Sydney Clubs/Riding Groups

Hi to introduce myself, my name is Char07 and Im new to this forum. I currently own a 26" Nimbus, Axis 20" and have just ordered a Qu-Ax 20" trials.

Does anyone out there know of any clubs/riding groups in the Sydney area?


Hey, your parents named you Char07? That’s kinda weird…

I don’t know about any rides/clubs that happen in Sydney because of the whole “I don’t live there” thing, but you might be able to find some info on the AUS website, there might also be some info on UDC. Hope that helps, and welcome to the forums.


Well my name is not really Char07, just my cyber ID.
Thanks for the info.

Here are some but i don’t know if they still exist. :thinking: , give them a ring. Also welcome to :smiley:

Sydney Unicycle Hockey -Play every Sunday 10:30am Lilian Fowler reserve corner Norfolk & Angle St Newtown. (behind Newtown public school)

Bring a Unicycle & a street hockey stick if you got one, come have a game. Anyone who can ride or are learning to ride can play, no costs involved. Phone or contact if you would like more information.

Sydney (-33.917,+151.283)
Regeneration. Monday, 6-9 PM. 9th Floor, 47-53 Cooper Street (at Hart Street), Surry Hills. $10. (02) 9310 7240. Mostly staff-twirling workshops and didgeridoo playing.

Sydney (-33.917,+151.283)
Coogee Juggling Club. Monday, 7:30-9:30 PM. Coogee South Public School, Moverly Road, Coogee. $3. Michael Richards, (02) 9315 7894, e-mail [email][/email].

Sydney (-33.917,+151.283)
Newtown Juggling Club. Wednesday, 7:30-9:30 PM. St. Stephen's Church Hall, to the left of the church, Church Street, off King Street, Newtown. $3. Sid Lowe, (014) 996 044; or Julian Orbach, (02) 9870 7258, e-mail [email][/email].

Sydney (-33.917,+151.283)
Wednesday, 7 PM. Hurlstone Agricultural College, Ray Watts Road, Glenfield. $3. David Russell, (02) 9824 2448.

Sydney (-33.917,+151.283)
Sydney University Recreational Clowning Around Society (SURCAS). Meets during Sydney University term. Wednesday, 1-2 PM, front lawn, in front of the main quad. Thursday, 1-2 PM, Biochem lawn. Sunday 2 PM, in parks around Sydney. Casey Whitelaw, (02) 9319 4823, e-mail [email][/email]; or Ken Lee, (02) 9871 1858, e-mail [email][/email]. $5 per year.

Sydney (-33.917,+151.283)
Tuesday, 6:30-9:00 PM, during term. Room C100, University of New South Wales, Western Campus. Murray Henstock, (02) 9602 7922, e-mail [email][/email]. $2.

Sydney Unicycle Hockey does still exist and we do still meet every Sunday.

You are welcome to come along and have a game.


If you’re talking to me then thank you very much. :wink: I might see you there sometime. :smiley: :smiley: