I know riding backwards is fakie and i think when you jump with the foot opposite of what you normally jump with foward should be switch but when for example you normally grind on the right side what would it be called to grind on the left side
chocolate side grind
poorly made chocolate with excess cocoa side grind
to be honest I have no idea.
Please call riding backwards riding backwards! Not fakie! I hate fakie! I think having our own terminolgy would be so much better than using terms from other sports. But if we are going to, then how about negative?
Backwards = backwards
Grinding on your other side = switch
Hey. I call oppisite foot hoping, goofy, and backwards, backwards. But some new ones out there they we made up are the foward rolling hop (hornet) because of the way your body bends to the wheel as if having a stinger on your tailbone region. And the seat out side hop (cheetah), being when you compress to the wheel you look like a running cheetah. Kinda. Others are in a glide. We rate it as if it were meat. If your foot is on the tire hard, it’s well, in the middle, midium, and nearly coasting, rare. Your comfortable speed is a tenderloin. sp? 180 unispin from seat in to seat out (spinout), 180 unispin seat out to in (Spinin).
Crank grab to rubber, Crank up, Pedal grab to rubber, Pedal up. go figure, ha. um, i think that’s it. Laters
If what onetrack said was set in stone this would lead to confusion as to whether the foot orientation was switch or not. It is quite difficult as the dominant foot isn’t always forward. I think goofy and regular could replace switch in the sense of foot orientation, switch as to which side your grinding on etc etc.
I have to say I’m not keen on the animal names… Someone did refer to a rolling hop as a pike, which I think is quite apt. Although I suppose that only really applies to the last part of the hop.
i like not having to name every single alteration to the same damn trick, who cares what foot it’s with
I almost hurt my ankle during a switch fakie upd the other day
you cant call grinding on your oposite foot switch, it wont follow the set terminology for most (if not all) extreme sports of this type. switch is when your foot orientation is reversed (ie, i am usually right foot forward, but when switch, i am left foot forward). simply call a grind a grind, and if its with your opposite foot, call it a back fot grind, or a front foot grind. as for fakie, call it what you want. everyone knows what fakie is in extreme sports, but everyone would know what backwards is too. now what are you going to do when youre hopping while riding backwards and with your feet in a switch position? bet you didnt think of that…
im not all for the animal names either lol. oh well. we havent been around long enough to have names for tricks really, except like shifties, unispins etc.
see ya, Kevin
Originally posted by one wheeled stallion
If what onetrack said was set in stone this would lead to confusion as to whether the foot orientation was switch or not. It is quite difficult as the dominant foot isn’t always forward.
Re: switch fakie what?
“Sofa” <Sofa@NoEmail.Message.Poster.at.Unicyclist.com> wrote in message
> i like not having to name every single alteration to the same damn
> trick, who cares what foot it’s with
> I almost hurt my ankle during a switch fakie upd the other day
Surely the fact whether you have the left or right foot forward doesnt
constitute the same difference that doing a trick opposite or switch would.
If you are switch on a board then the whole orientation of your body has
changed, hence how impressive someone like Bob Burnquist is. Opposite
requires you to be going in the (wait for it…) opposite way you normally
would ie 360 or air to the left, opposite would be to the right.
A grind surely is just a grind, irrelevant of which side you do it on.
Im a newbie to uni so I might be wrong on all this, but thats my 2p on it.
If you have a specific foot orientation and the reverse of this is called switch (what I believe you said on the original post), then refering to a grind on the opposite side of which you normally grind as ‘switch’ as well would lead to confusion.
I think Sofa has the right idea, who really cares? When I watch Tugboat’s vids, I really don’t care which foot he’s doing what with, it’s just great to watch.
well thank you for the compliment haha. but if youve ever watched a skateboarding video with someone who doesnt understand skateboarding, every trick looks the same to them. thats the beauty of it. its the unicyclists who understand it. no one in the world would care if my other foot was forward, but i can guarentee that unicyclists understand how muhc harder it is. lets say you watch me grind a 10 set handrail with my right foot forward and i grind on my right foot. and right after, i grind a 5 set handrail with my left foot forward and on my left foot (switch front foot grind). you would understand that grinding a 5 set rail with your other foot forward is a lot harder. but any non unicyclist would be like “why did they put that huge rail before the small one?” You see, right now, its fun to just watch the stuff like a non unicyclist. but once we start getting more technical with backwards and switch riding, then it will be even more fun to realize the complexity of a trick that you dont originally notice. i dont know if you understand really, but it makes sense to me. anyways, whether or not people think switch is cool, im gonna keep working on it.
peace, Kevin
You can hit 5 stair handrails switch?
haha deifnitely not. i was just using an example. soon though… soon
I get the whole switch thing, but I think it is more important to the rider himself to know he can pull off switch moves. As a viewer I’m impressed, but it’s still the 10 set that catches my eye if you know what I mean?!