Svveet anim preview!

you guys want to see my full animation potential with pivot eh?

well here is a sneak peek at an animation i am working on to be a tribute to the famous terkoiz

Famous? I’ve never heard of him.

The animation was cool, though.

well famous to most stick figure animators. he is like a world wide stick figure animation king…

Personally, the first guy he killed went by waay to fast. Slow it down abit, people with slow eyes will be way confused, I had to watch it a second and third time to get it completly.
Also, maybe have a pause at the start? Because going straight into action is sorta confusing as well. Have him just standing there, or maybe have him write out “beeper” in the background there sorta like he’s doing graffiti or something.

Nice, much better than most stick animations I’ve seen.

I loved the spinny effect with the stick. Awesome animation, can’t wait to see the finished product.

And yeah, saying “terkoiz” is famous is like saying Fatal1ty is a household name (though I’m sure in some houses, he is :p).

there are certain sites that lots of animators go to, where he is clearly the best.

famous is a bit of a stretch, but he’s a cyberspace celeberty?

idk but he is well known, and is amazing.

i have it halfway done.

i updated it