Suspension Unicycle

Alright, I kinow everyone has thought of it a few times and some even have claimed to do it, but, i have never seen a working one. Is it possible? I was thinking of purchasing a fox air shock and playing around with it. Think about it. A fully customizable rebound and lockout mechanism. It would just be a fox fork with some work done on the bottom, welding, to achieve the unicycle fit. Maybe a cut off of some cheap unicycle? Then on top would have to be a regular unicycle post that has been welded inside the top end of the fork. The part that holds the stem on a bicycle. It would accomidate a large 26 in tire, great for MUNI, and would be seen at 3in wide. Brake customizable and super fun. Is it worth it? Has it been done? Is there a video?

Think about it!!!

hey i see you live in boulde.r:) same here, what sort of stuff do you ride?

It wouldn’t be worth it, for the sole reason that when you’re unicycling hard, you put most if not all of your weight on your pedals…so if you could find a way to put some shock absorbers in the pedals themselves, go for it!

MUNI and Trials…Just broke my ankle last saturday at the boulder rez doing a 360 pedal flip down a stair set… Waiting on a Torker Unistar DX form another boulder guy…Intermediate Level stuff…Do you have a decent uni your willing to sell 24"?

Potter, but would you need to stand on your pedals most of the time if you had a shock… 5 in float on shock means five inches without a hitch? Just wonderin…

pedal flip, whats that?
you mean crankflip?

yup yup…i meant backflip, but still the same…

Maybe not…interesting idea. I believe they already have seatposts with shocks though, you could prolly find a unicycle sized one to experiment with!

Seat shocks are weak…lol im talking big time…

like this? this guy was at the moabmunifst in 2005

sorry, heres the picture this guys got weird cranks too

pretty sweet there…more like the full suspension on a bike. Possibly off weighted. What about built into the frame rather than that design?

I remember riding those, they were pretty sick!

they were really really heavy though.

whats with the seat, how would you sit on that properly?.. still i want one!!!

you’d have to fix the shocks so that when you jump up onto something, the shocks wouldn’t do something crazy.
other then that, i’ve been waiting for a decent shock for muni!! i would totally buy one if you started making them.

I thought making a giraffe uni with suspension would be good. If you had the suspension below the pedals and had a mechanism to keep the chain tight (which Im sure cant be too hard) it would take all the shock and make for a nice smooth ride :smiley:

So ive stared to work on a RST spring shock that i found around my house…ill post pics if i establish any sort of success…

so, hows it going?

I just posted some pics of an old one I made 10 years ago. I can’t believe there aren’t others!! It works too god to ignore…

I’ve got one

I don’t think the suspension uni (from the seat) is going to help those that want help hopping onto crates, or park benches. Mine smooths out the bumps for me and since I’m 52 I appreciate a smooth ride. Mine works pretty well for cross country riding but hops I need a fat tire. Like the one fellow said you’d need spring loaded cranks, or as an pattent I saw from 1890s or around there even springy spokes. I’m just kidding about trying the springy spokes. I don’t think the guy who had the pattent ever rode a bike or uni. The suspension above is pretty cool although that’s one heck of a coil spring he/she has got there. I think I like the one from Kayaker43 better. check it out.