
I donated.

And what t-shirts are you talking about? It says that they aren’t available yet.

Yeah, it could be sticked, or be a little more eye catching then some white font in the corner along with all the other white fonted links.

Yeah, because lord knows that “top right corner”, just above the first place everyone looks when they log in to see if they have new PMs, is one heckofa cryptic location.

Just made a donation via PayPal. It was ridiculously easy.

I dont log in though, cause I am automatically signed in when I come to this site, and im sure many other people ahve that ‘remember me’ box checked too.

Also, when I come to this site, I get a little pop-up saying if I have a new message and if I want to see it or not. So my eyes are never looking up in that corner. Only think I click on up there is the gallery and the search.

I will bump this thread, say I like the donate button right where it is (obvious but not in your face) and ask my question again

In the beginning …

Hey all,
I’m sort of new here. I’m all for supporting the site financially. Since joining I read as many of the postings as possible.
Is there a bit of history anywhere on the forum , some corporate memory… ‘where it all began!’.
Who is Harper?
Is Harper = Gilby?
Who is Gilby?!
Who is!
What does the word ‘moment’ mean in Kris Holm Moment?
This would be great stuff to know.
So many questions, so little time!

I will let someone else explain who Harper and Gilby are, but for now, ill look for the post Kris made explain what the Moment meant on his cranks.

EDIT: Here it is.

