Lol I meant ‘we’ as in all the species on this planet. Sorry, should have specified.
aliens: Yes, but just other life forms that evolved on other planets.
ghosts: Is agnostic the right term for this, or can it only be used in religion?
I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that read, “Think Globally, Act Locally”. It made me wonder if the driver of the vehicle really has something against extra-terrestrials to not include them when deliberating about ethical action.
If one considers the tremendous size of the universe and the comparative inconsequentil size of the submicroscopic dust mote we call earth; it seems likely that there may be other life (intelligent or otherwise) in the universe. The corollary to this statement is that unless other heretofore undiscovered but highly postulated laws of physicis can be brought to bear; it don’t matter.
The distances are so vast that we probably will never have contact.
If the previously postulated physical remedies for the great distances do exist, we may have used up our available fuel and other resources and be incapable of the trip, as in the case of the Easter Islanders before the arrival of Europeans. They had cut down their forests and were effecticvely marooned on Easter Island even though they had had the technology to build ocean going vessles.
I’m sorry John F. physics will always be fact… (don’t relate aliens to 9/11 either John. That’s just being silly. Like I said there is physics proof on 9/11. You either just can’t understand physics are refuse to believe it)
Why answer yes/no to these questions? Why not try to explain them. Astroprojection has been successful in the past. What if upon death your body can output enough concentrated energy to perverse a weak image of you (ghost) doing some repeating like. Usually it’s always the people that die in untimely fashions that get this (but not always). Which, if murdered, would certainly have a higher output of energy and stress, therefore perversing some sort of image into the room/house/area. Also your mind can make you believe anything. If enough people believe it, their grouped minds can make instances to prove their theory (it’s probably why religion has taken off so well). So if enough people claim they see a ghost, more people will see it too.
Aliens… OF COURSE! Those who don’t think there are, are highly underestimating the size of our universe. No local aliens though, sorry. We will receive their radio waves much before we get alien life to visit. Keep in mind every star has a pretty large zone of life (a zone of which water can be in liquid form, depends on satelites atmosphere). There are many many stars and the majority of all stars have satelites orbiting around them. In which, because of the vast amount of stars, a vast amount of satelites have to be in that life zone of some star or another. So yeah, pretty easy to believe for me. Surely no arrival of any other intelligent life though in humans’ existance.
even if the universe is as immense as it is, think about how complicated even a cell is let alone a multicelled organism. a friend of mine kind of explained it pretty well, he said it is like putting parts of a watch in a bag and shaking it up and out comes a built watch. the chances of this happening are next to none and life is WAAAYY more complicated than a watch.
At the very least, your analogy needs an infinite number of bags of watch parts, and you just notice the one or two that do fit together and ignore the millions that don’t. Even then, it’s far from a perfect analogy, but better.
Or you refuse to share your “proof”. Why did you stop posting in those threads? Put up or shut up. Back to topic…
Ding! Certainly can.
I think you’re dead right on this one. When enough people believe something is true, even without a scrap of evidence, there is a tendency for the group to grow in size, adding more people who believe the same thing(s). I don’t know the psychology word for it, but there must be one.
And these large groups can be very influential, as can any large group, both politically and socially.
And this goes to show that though someone might be deluded by one set of beliefs-without-fact, they may be quite immune to others.
So how do you know there haven’t been any visits here by aliens? If you just think there haven’t been (what you believe), I think I’m with you on that. But we can’t know. I just know that the vast majority of alien/UFO sightings are a load of BS.
Really smart aliens can probably walk among us without being noticed, or observe us without being detected. And if they want to mess with our heads by making lights dart around the sky in non-ballistic motion, maybe they are testing us? Maybe it’s the test that determines whether they should formally contact us? In that case, we’re definitely not smarter than a fifth grader.
This post made my day.
or it can make you disbelieve and deny anything. Do I get a ding too?:o
There is no way you can claim to know anything about physics if you’re going to post drivel such as this.
As always, we’ll give you a chance to explain yourself. Energy is one of the foundational concepts of physics… tell us what form of energy a body might output, and how it might manifest as you’re claiming.
We’ll be waiting for your answer. Just like we’re waiting for your “9/11 equation”.
when I was an architect I thought that a client was about to sue me because I had built him a haunted house (I have my own theories on why the family were feeling ghosts all around: but I agree with Mikefule though there are no such thing as an actual ghost lot of people feel them)
so he sold the house and the next owners lived happily there …
The existence of ghosts in the sense of “souls surviving and manifesting as visible or audible phenomena after the death of the body” runs contrary to basic principles of physics as well as presenting what many regard as insuperable objections philosophically and even mathematically.
A lot of enthusiastic people with a vested interest in proving the existence of ghosts have spent time, money and effort trying to produce evidence for the existence of ghosts, and they have failed.
But nevertheless, a wide range of people from a wide range of cultures report seeing or hearing ghosts.
I think it is fair to say that most of those people are not lying. They are telling the truth as they experience it.
The human mind is very good at seeing patterns and making connections - which is why you can see faces in the clouds and hear voices in the wind.
I think that if a person believes in ghosts, as a result of his cultural background, then he will “see” ghosts when the conditions are right. The right conditions are when he has a set of sense perceptions which do not fit his day to day experience, and which the mind can “construct” into a ghost sighting.
ghosts: maybe
Angels:there’s always gotta be an opposing force right?
Aliens: yeup for sure
Are aliens considered to be supernatural?
Any useful definition of “supernatural” surely implies something that is beyond our present scientific understanding of how things are on Earth. It doesn’t have to include ghosts and vampires, but things like visions, superstitions, out of body experiences and so on all fall withing the general catchment of “supernatural”.
A simple definition of “alien” (in the sense I think you you mean it) is a creature from another planet. Creatures from other planets are not “known” to exist, but they would not be outside our present scientific understanding or expectations if they did.