
is quite mediocre.

'twas no spiderman

That’s a shame.
Comic books are notoriously difficult to go from page to screen.
Notable exceptions are Sin City, Hellboy, The Rocketeer, Mystery Men, Batman Returns, and Superman II.
I’ll probably think of a few more once I’ve hit the ‘submit reply’ button.
It’s always the way.

Is this movie a re-make or a sequal? The ads make it look like a re-make because it shows him learning to fly and what not, but I’ve heard a lot about it being a sequal.

isnt the movie called superman returns, meaning he is gonna return and continue, not start over.

It is called Superman Returns, but I was watching the trailer for it in the movies once and it showed him learning to fly and him when he was a kid.

hmmm. i havent seen the superman movies in ages so i pretty much forget it most of itl. in the new one i know he fights lex luther. in the original does superman he fight lex luther?

I saw that too. Sounds like Superman returns, and has some memories along the way. I heard on TV somewhere that he’s supposed to be returning after being “away” for five years. I guess we’ll have to wait to find out away where and why.

He’s spent the last five years learning to unicycle on the planet Apokalypse. The gravity there (not to mention the fire-pits) can be a little tricky, hence the amount of time spent learning.
You will believe a man can uni…

that’s true, he has returned after 5 years, you may as well see the movie to see why.

those are indeed memories from his past (the director’s way of ‘righting’ the poor special effects of long ago)

if you remember the original superman, you will see many references to the original movie in some lines and scenes, that part was done well, and keeps this movie in line with the others.

I am really looking forward to seeing it this weekend. I think the original 1978 movie with Christopher Reeve is going to be hard to top. That movie was and still is spectacular! The special effects are superb, especially considering the film is almost 30 years old! Superman 2 was also quite good, but 3 and 4 were just stupid.
I’ve heard that this new movie picks up where 2 left off, they said “just forget about 3 and 4”.

they WERE superb…30 years ago (have you seen it lately? :slight_smile: )

okay guys, i saw the movie a few hours ago, its pretty good considering i didnt know the plot line for it, however i saw everything in the movie from a mile away, it was really predictable.

Actually I just watched it 2 days ago. I think the effects STILL look impressive. Sure, they don’t hold a candle to todays CGI effects, but I still appreciate quality effort, no matter how old. The original 1933 King Kong has great special effects, but if you try to compare it to todays effects, they look poor.

Give me the '33 Kong over modern remakes any day.
Same goes for any classic Ray Harryhausen movie over any modern CGI nonsense.
I had the opportunity to meet the man earlier this year…

I was one happy bunny!

You were?