I was wanting to learn how to do what i think is called a superman tire grab (where you grip the tire with one hand and stretch your body out like superman), I have tried static tire grabs and then tried to take me feet off but i can only take my feet off a little before putting them back on the pedals and i dont always ride out of them, as soon as i lift my feet the uni starts to move, where should i hold the tire? and is stength more important than technique? its not like im weak im probably a fair bit above average but I cant hold it, any advise would be great thanks.
I can do fairly well if im lucky
seriously just practice try to learn to do them in a mount first then try them some more
I belive if you are on the ground it is called a uni-can
if you are in the air and do it :get it on tape
first get good at staying on your seat then bending over, grabbing the tire and puting your feet out the sides, not the back. then do the same thing sif(feet to the sides not back) the better you get , the farther you will be able to put your feet out. then eventually you will be able to try the superman one, but it takes quite a while to get it, and you want to start small because it is kind of hard to grab the tire with out it rolling, but you will get that quickly.
ok thanks, i searched uni-can but found nothing, im gunu go out and try it shortly, y does everything require practice and time
I can do supermans now but it took me about 2 weeks practicing to be able to master it