while reading this page, i’m still not exactly sure what it is i find so amusing
either way, some interesting reading for a thursday
while reading this page, i’m still not exactly sure what it is i find so amusing
either way, some interesting reading for a thursday
simply marvellous. Down with koopah…Up the revolution!
Better dead than red! That’s why I went with Luigi.
the game that started it was “Mario Bros.”
not Super Mario Bros.
and further more Mario was started as Jump man in Donkey Kong.
D’uh? Exactly!
He bears the red colours even IN jumpman jumping over barrels.
Barrels of what? Of mass produced goods. And is about to destroy what? Donkey-Kong. Who does donkey-kong resemble? King-Kong. Where does King-Kong rampage? New-York. What’s so special about New-York? The world trade center. Now, is there such a thing as world trade in a communist regime? NOT LIKELY.
'nough said.
(why I sure hope nobody notices that I’m using faulty logic and that King-Kong could actually represent the attack of communism on capitalism and that mario is actually trying to overthrow this attack)