sun better cover this in it's warrantee!

grrr, i don’t ever get to see my brother cause he’s a marine, but last weekend he had leave for 4 days, so i went up to see and ride with him. a day before i got there his brand new sun 24" uni came in. His left pedel got loose, stripped the crank arm, and fell out in the first 10 minutes of parking-lot riding it (no jumping). when we walked it to the bike shop, i felt and heard a “click” everytime the crank arm went around at a certain spot the whole way(hub bearing has a flat spot i think). we got to the bike shop to try to get the arm fixed and the guy points out that the crank arm on the left side has an “R” on it, and the arm on the right side has a “L” on it. i’ve owned 3 suns, and the uni he learned on before the 24" was a sun and we’ve never had a problem with them, so what gives? this uni never got to see it’s virgin hop. anyways, that really messed up the weekend and i am very disgruntled.

This can happen to any unicycle. The way to fix this in 2 seconds is losen the seat post, turn the seat 180 degrees, tighten the seat post. I am sure Sun did not send the unicycle to the bike shop assembled, so the bike shop is the closest you can get to a warentee. Even then you cant prove you didnt turn the seat backwards.

actually, it would be better to take off the bearing holders and flip the wheelset around so right crank is on the right side =p

If sun sent it pre-assembled like that, then i bet you can get something, if it came un-assembled, and you had to put on the main parts, its your fault, or if the bikeshop put it together and had it messed up, its partly theirs and yours =p

i doubt your theory…most unicycles come with the cranks attached already. at least thats how everyone that i have bought came. i would call sun and tell them your problem and ask what they will offer in terms of reimbursement.

EDIT: not posted to you jerrick…you i agree with.

i don’t know if it was assembled at the lbs or factory, but i’ll tell my brother that. i bet it was the bike shop, they probable don’t get a lot of orders for unis.

When my friend got his uni ordered from our LBS, i went with him to look at it, and when they gave it to him, i was like “wait! you got it all backwards!” the guys were like “does it really matter” and then i pointed to how it says front on the torker frame, so they flipped the seat around, then i checked the cranks to see if they were good, then explained to them how they were threaded and whatnot, most LBS really dont know to much about unis ecpet they are one wheel lol