Sun 20', Can it jump???

thats the one i might want to get, can it jump once u learn how to ride it? i just went to a local store and thats the one i want but i dont know if it can jumpo or not…and dont give me this “MEH, this is spam, use the search button” cause the thread “most Posts” is spam. so yah…

I hope you mean 20" (inches) not 20’ (feet) Learning on a 20 foot unicycle would be REALLY hard. I think it impossible.

Any unicycle will jump. You just grab the seat, jump and pull the unicycle up with you. Not that hard. Any unicycle will suffice. The Torker LX would probably stand up better, its more durable.

And, by “Most Posts” I think you mean “Most Replys” And, its a place for actual convorsation, very few posts in MR are actually spam, every post has its own purpose. Try reading the thread. Then you’ll see how it works. A reply is very diffrent from a post.

First off, of course he meant a 20". You cant just go buy a 20 foot unicycle at a LBS. And no, it is not impossible.

Yes you can jump on a 20" sun, But your axle is going to give if you plan on jumping on things 4+ feet. Trust me, the same thing happened to me.

EDIT: If you do plan on jumping 4+ feet, then get a trials unicycle. You can get them as cheap as $250 (USD) and yes, I know it will be hard to resist buying the sun just because it is right there and you can just buy it real fast and start learning right away. But you will be glad you got the trials.

No unicycle can jump…you have to jump, on the unicycle. It’ll be hard to go very high, so if this isn’t your very first unicycle, you’ll want to buy a better one for your second than a Sun 20".

Yeh, dont make the mistake I did. I bought a POS unicycle from my LBS. A cyclePro 20" that really is horrible. I was just riding and all the sudden the crank fell off once. And, the cranks are like toothpics. It also has lollipops which is a really bad system.

Yes it can jump, but it won’t be very easy, you won’t get very high and it will break if you keep doing it.

for jumping, people usually prefer a 19" trials tyre. Basically it has more air so you have more bounce than on a normal BMX 20" tyre.

Also its more than likely your axle cranks would break. But thats mostly when ur droping off stuff.

And also the seat. TO learn its nice to have a KH like handles. it helps. Once you’re into SIF hopping then theres not really much need for a nice handle.


Haven’t you seen that green unicycle in Defect jumping all around that skatepark? Knocked over two cameras, it was so good.

ok, thanks guys, yah srry bout that, i meant 20", but i think im gonna order the LX anyway, i’d go for the trials, but i’m on a budget and its my first uni

Like I said, this should be on Rec.Sport.

But I want to warn, not only does it jump, but we cannot stop it from jumping. can it jump once u learn how to ride it? I want to tell, the fact that it’s jumping can make it harder to learn to ride.

It does so much jumping that my wife won’t let us keep it in the house, it keeps us up nights.

So don’t get a jumping unicycle unless you have a garage or basement, where it can happily jump without disturbing you and your family.