Summit 20'

I just got my summit 20’ today from UPS and put it together righ away, MUCHO BUENO i love it soooo much, i know this is corny but whatever i just felt i should express this. i suggest anyone who wants a trials for cheap should get it…by the way…does anyone know waht tire pressure i should use if i weigh about 150?

Re: Summit 20’

What’s it like that high up (he asks evoking shades of Spinal Tap)?

I got my Yuni 20" today, too, by the way.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Wow, a 20 foot uni? That’s impressive.
Anyway, There’s only 2 Summits left, and there have been for the last fifteen or so purchased. So I don’t know how many more there really are.

Re: Summit 20’

Its OK to post coments and questions like this on RSU.:slight_smile:

The short answer to tire pressure is enough that you’re tire doesn’t fold on hops and doesn’t bottom out on the rim on drops. At first you may find the good hopping pressure is too soft for drops.

Check your spoke tension and keep the crank bolts tight during the break in period.

Congratulations on the new Uni. It’s always fun to get new stuff. It seems finally ran out of the never ending supply of two, so that option is out.

I too am a proud owner of a Summit. I purchased mine a while ago, when they were on sale for the same price but with out the KH seat. I’m still waiting for the Torker/KH clone to come in that I ordered.

A few points for all you new Summit owners out there:

  1. Your spokes are too loose (unless you already got them tightened) Take some time to go around and tighten them up. Or you can do what I did and take it in to a bike shop to have it done.

  2. When the creaking starts, it’s time for antiseize. This stuff works great to stop the squeak from cranks/axles. Just disassemble the crank/hub/axle unit and give the whole thing a nice coating of antiseize (including the bolts). This will help stop the squeak and enable you to get everything nice and tight.

When all that is done, go out uniing!


This is good advice, except I think you may as well do it before the creaking starts. The anti-seize is there to protect the metal from corrosion, and to lubricate the splines (which prevents squeaking). It’s best to do it ASAP since Unicycle manufacturers seem to like selling their products with dry splines. That way if you drop your unicycle in a river, or if you go snow unicycling (come to think of it these aren’t really likely scenarios on a 20"), or if it is really rainy and wet, at least your axle won’t have a chance of corroding.