
Naw … doing chores and busting a desk apart with my feet. Bad kick … wearing fake Crocs. Stupid me!!! :astonished:

Nice vid but I think Morty’s performance overpowers yours. :smiley:

Ouch! :frowning:

Yeah, he’s a born scene stealer! Johnny Carson once said, “never follow an animal act!” he was right. That’s why Morty’s bit is at the end, lol! :smiley:

Ya, you never want to follow a better looking act either. It was good thinking to put him at the end. :smiley:

Here’s Morty after I told him he wouldn’t be in my next video: :stuck_out_tongue:

(He likes “people food” )

His stardom got the better of him.

Yeah, I kinda knew fame had gone to his head, the day he demanded I put a star on the door to his catbox! :stuck_out_tongue: