Ok before you tell me to search I did! But that was an OLD thread and it was dealing with combustion based. I’m gonna be making a coaxial piston valve pneumatic spud gun with a 6’ 2" barrel.
My question is do you think this is to big? I think it will be more powerfull than all get out and fun as hell, but 6’…not exactly something you can stick in the back of a comact car.
are you wanting to get it in a compact, if so, make 5 feet, just to be safe. also, make sure it ain’t 2 wide 2 fit in your car(measure the car, then build the gun) i love potato guns! they’re a hell of a lot of fun! i’ll probably build one pretty soon… as for suggestions, try to make a sight for it and possibly put ridges on the inside of the barrel to make the potato rifle. it can be done, just look up potato gun.
Please be carefull, I have stood next to someone and watched them have a hole blown in the front of his head by a potato cannon failing. That kindof thing stays with you. We always used to build them to run off explosives rather than compressed air, I guess air is safer but still.
Now on the less serious side, we built one using a beer keg as the combusiton chamber, with a 5 foot long steel barel specially threaded on a lathe to screw directly in to the keg. It was pretty crazy. Maybe think about having your potato cannon come apart easily so you can use a longer barrel and still fit it in the car.
hey dude, just wonderin, have u ever made a mini potato gun? u make them out of a bbq sparker, a pill bottle, a pen tube, tape, and some wires. they’re pretty fun to play with when your big gun is busted.
My friend made one out of PVC pipe, it was an air cannon, pneumatic that is, and over six feet long I think…closer to seven. He used a bike pump to pump it up.
I don’t know anything about making 'em though, which renders this post…USELESS!
Yep I did exactly the same except I used a piezo-electric crystal from a gas lighter. The bore of the pen tube was perfect for a .22 air rifle pellet, when i got the mix just right I swear it had more power than my air rifle.