suddenly I seem to suck at pool

Heres a guy who just showed me up at pool about three trillion times over. you should watch this video its increadible, And I just know that someone will say its fake, but I choose to believe its real.

All those shots seem to come across as pretty legitimate. Pointless in a real game, but doable. Its film, so he can try it 100 times and only show the successful attempt, and to be honest, almost every single shot was a combination of kickback, serious amounts of side, and backspin. When the balls are as big as the average US pool set it’s not too hard to initiate any of these, although kudos to the guy for making them interesting and investing so much time in getting them spot on. If you appreciate that all these shots were effectively perfectly set up plants and well balanced flukes, it becomes less impressive, but still 1000x better than I could hope to achieve. I play to have fun, not show off, however.


it looks like thats all he does, but hes not that good, as he would not make any of those shots every single time, or else he would be on tv on the trickshot challange

good though hes very good

what if he is a guy from the trickshot challenge? im pretty good and can do some neat trick shots but im nowhere near that good.

if he really is from the trickshot challenge he would have more space than that around his table, and he wouldnt post a video of all his tricks on the internet, cause then people could copy them


but hes still pretty good.

he was good i thought

thank you for this brilliancy

haha, i thought the title said: i seem to be stuck in a pool:)

i think this guy tilts the table in some of those shots… if you look at it careful-like, the angles in some of those shots don’t seem quite right…

He needs a unicycle, if he has that much time on his hands.