Subconcious - My Original Song

The song was inspired by Andy Mckee’s “Drifting.” The quality of the recording isn’t too great…but I made best with the equiptment I had. Let me know what you think…and give me ratings/comments :wink:



Great work man!!

What open tuning are you using? I think im gonna write some songs in that tuning soon.

Keep up the playing, your doing excellent.

Thanks man!

I was actually hoping you’d give me some feedback…I’ve heard you talk of Andy Mckee and other guitarists around the forums.

The song is in DADGAD. It’s an awesome tuning, I had never used it until I decided to learn how to play Drifting…but its so much fun. Definitely try it out you’ll write a sick song lol. Once you learn the chord shapes of that tuning the possibilities become endless. Writing songs in standard tuning does get old after a while.

NICE Song man! great work keep it up, and I most definately will be using this in some sort of video, it may be a unicycling video or a short film but I just want to make sure your cool with that, I’ll be sure to credit you for it too.

That is some nice playing and composing. That’s something you should have semi-professionally home studio recorded. You’ll want to have a good recorded version of that when you get older.

have a cigar
you’re gonna go far

(I’ve been listening to Pink Floyd most of the night)

Nice playing! Not really my taste but very well played - reminds me of the kind of stuff Antoine Dufour (?) plays.

Can an instrumental be a “song”? :wink:


song |sô ng | noun a short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung. • singing or vocal music : the young airmen broke into song. • a musical composition suggestive of a song.

That last note says it can be lol.

Thanks for the comments. Yea I’d like to make a nice recording of it, but I don’t have the microphone to do so. I can’t simply plug in because it wouldn’t pick up the tapping…I’ll get a nice mic sooner or later. That’d be awesome if you used it in a video. But again, the sound quality isn’t that great so…good luck with that lol.

EDIT: Yea it’s a similar style to that of Antoine Dufour’s…His music is a bit too classical for my taste. Mine’s a little more rock oriented.

very well done my friend!


There are home studios set up for hire to do reasonably priced recording sessions. My brother in Atlanta has such a home studio. He records local people doing small projects. You get to record with expensive microphones and other good stuff and have someone with experience do the engineering side. There are likely similar home recording studios in your area.

Yea…actually I found out theres a recording studio on my campus. Next year when my female singer is attending my school I’ll record an album with her.
…and thanks chase!