Stupid Stories

so i havent been on for a while but i decided i need to tell you all a story. today at work (im a technician at sportchek) the other tech and i were chatting while we were building bikes and he is a road bike guy who thinks he knows everything about anything. so we get into a discusion about how light his bike is and just to be a dick i said hey i bet my unicycle is lighter and laughed and he goes ya but its harder to ride a road bike! so we got into a heated arguement and it was the stupidest thing ive ever been involved and and i thought you want to hear about my stupid unicycle story. anybody else got gooders?

wait, how could you defend the position of riding a road bike is harder than a unicycle?

did he just refuse to listen or something?

That’s precisely the reason why it was stupid.

Once upon a time there were some poor teenagers. They were so poor that their computers didn’t come with Shift Keys or spell check.

The end.

I don’t get it. The original story wasn’t stupid, just the roadie guy was. You should take him up on the “challenge.” You ride his road bike (or a racing bike, which actually is a little bit hard to ride), and he can ride your unicycle. Loser buys lunch for the winner. :slight_smile:

that actually is reasonable.

because if you win, yay free lunch because hes stupid

if he wins, i would buy him lunch if it wasnt a challenge just for congratulations.

ha ha ha ha. I stole all of their shift keys.

Heres a pretty lame story.

One time this guy named captainconcarne had 99 posts. Then he posted again and now he has 100!!! YAY lol

Wow, great story. Would you like to tell it again?

Sorry I am not gramatically correct. And just because I am not doesn’t mean I am a poor or a teenager. 20 and counting and actually have a degree in Kinesiology. Thanks.

And ya this guy thought he was a champ and I have no idea how he was trying to compare it. Tried to say that there was a wider turning radius on road bikes because its a 700cc and something like its hard to go fast? Not to sure but he kept asking if I had ever been on a road bike and I kept saying yes have you ever road a unicycle? Think he is a little slow.