Stupid random words!

Anyone got any random words that they have made up? also the stories behind them!

Me an me mate Andrew were really bored one night and we started to say uberbumgay for some unknown reason. It went through several stages and eventually ended up as Superduperubermegabumgay!

Ride on!

Kiwaki is my cats nickname…her real name is Kiwi, and I made up Kiwaki.

words we use that don't exist!

I “make up” quite a few words, usually by mistyping them. Some are worth keeping.

For example: I mistyped realise as realose when emailing MikeFule.

I then defined it as meaning:

Realosation: that moment in which you suddenly completely misunderstand something and thereby lose the plot?

And another recent keyboard error came out as “mistrype” … for when I have just input complete junk.
