Stupid bird

i agree this bird is smart it found a nice place and plus the owner is going to be nice to it so thaat makes the place go from nice to great

well with most of you telling him he should cook it he might change his mind and cook it.
Clearly, the bird did not take into account that the nice man posted here and is influenced by our selfish and mean wants for free eggs and bird bacon.
Therefore the final ruling: the bird is stupid

the even finaler ruling: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm eggs.

What species of bird is this?

Is it a non-native pest species like the Starling or House Sparrow? Then I say four eggs is a good start for juggling practice.

If it is a Washington Native I say webcam.

Any chance you’ve got a Cuckoo?:wink:

well atleast your doing a good thing passing by the garage door.

Phh me, id just take the nest and use my lizards heat lamp and feed thum sum of my lizards meal worms.

I always wanted to take care of birds like that!

They have turkey bacon

i have chickens and they lay 4 egggs every day times 2

Don’t worry about using the front door. Birds are nervous critters, but only until it gets inconvenient. There’s a pair of emerald green backed swallows that have been nesting in a hole in the wall a yard from a door where I work, for at least 4 years now. They got over the people soon enough.
Speaking of nest cams:

Another stupid bird. Sorry, I don’t know what kind of bird this was, but it was blue and it wasn’t a bluejay. There was this bird that used to attack one of the back windows of our house every morning around 5:00 in the summertime. This was very annoying to our occasional guests, as people like Nathan Hoover can attest (Beau can sleep through anything). In the case of that bird, scattered bird brains! But we don’t see him any more. Maybe he found a different window he liked even less?

More than likely he just saw his reflection and tried to chase the ‘intruder’ away. We had a swan that took to beating his break against the neighbors windows, and the neighbors weren’ t amused. (And a thirty pound swan can BEAT a window!)
We ended up having to relocate the swan.

No, because he always attacked the same window. Our house has a line of windows all the way across the top, and this bird didn’t live right outside that window or anything. I once read something about a type of berry that grows locally, and a species of bird that eats them and gets “looped” on berry juice. I think it was a drunk bird.

I’m starting to think you are too nice for your own good, John. I wouldn’t have cooked it by now (and I suspect Harper wouldn’t have either) but I would have probably moved the nest. If the birds were to die due to such a move it would be their own fault for being stupid enough to build a nest next to a house. Natural selection at its finest.

i think that you should let it stay, BUT because it is living on your property that you pay for, you should charge it rent, let’s say, 2 eggs. if you think that is mean or unfair, consider letting ME live next to your front door for 2 months for 2 eggs. i would wake you up every morning, you’ll have to clean my poo off your porch, and if you open your front door, you better not wake me up. lol.

Why are you so agitated about it? It’s just one little nest.

nest.bmp (451 KB)

The stupid bird poses for a picture. Can anyone identify the type of bird?


The nest and eggs:


The planter and nest. The stupid bird is on the nest. You can see the tail feathers and the bird’s back. The nest is at the center of the photo (well, just to the left of center).

It’s not a House Sparrow. It looks and sounds like it might be a Dark-eyed Junco of the Oregon variety rather than the Slate-colored variety.

you are obviously in the way of nature…grab a pint of hemp tea, light up some botanicle blend in your marsham pipe and enjoy your mother at work.

You see the kind of stuff I have to put up with when I go on a Geezer ride with Harper? It’s difficult. Harper’s difficult. It’s difficult to ride and LMFAO!!!

I enjoyed this thread very much.
I’m waiting for the webcam.
Get the wireless connection John, you know you want to…

I can’t wait for John’s post next year

4 stupid birds
i have 2 birds nests on my porch, and two at my garage door, I need to shimmy out the back window…