Studying within my major?

Here’s the names of the classes I am taking this semester:
Principles of Marketing
Personal Finance Management
Project Management
Fundamentals of Management
Engineering Cost Accounting, Analysis and Control

Now with a class scedule like that, whoi’d know I was majoring in Mechanical Engineering, let alone anything in the IT area. Anyways, it should be an easy final semester of college. :smiley: Oh, and if any flags went off, I am getting a minor in management.

I’m working towards my CPA, good luck with all that!

What’s it take to get a CPA?

It’s a 5 year program, just a bunch of classes on top of the ones you’d already have to take for any business major really.

Isn’t a CPA just taking an exam to get certified?

There’s requirements, like you can’t just take the HSCT (high school competency test) and pass that to graduate high school.

Oh, well, I thought the CPA was just a test, and the program you are taking is a way to learn the knowlege required to be able to pass the test. Similar to how there is an engineering test where all you’d have to do is take it (and of course pass it).

So how’s school turn out?