String Spinning tops.

Hello again, I want another hobby lol. I want do spinning tops.

The string spinning tops like this.

I have an old wooden one that i mess around with.
I know Dunca Yo Yos makes tops.
Does anyone here do it?
What would be a good top that would take some abuse?


I love tops!!
I don’t do it often, my dad has all the tops, but like it is fun, definitly start out learning with like a bigger top, it is much easier.
I can spin a top that is about 4 inches tall everytime, but a one inch one like never.

I saw this lady do it, she was the top lady, in Burlington WI, she was sorta weird but fun to talk to, she had a top and puzzle museum, it was tons of fun. She was even in a movie, she is the most accurate top person in the world.

I don’t know what kind of top to use, but I guess any will work, because when you learn to spin the tops they will get some chips in them. But definitly use a wooden one.

Yeah I figure a plastic one would just crack and break after the first couple throws. Specially if you learn on a plastic one lol.


No one?

Ugh fantastic.

Tops are fun, but they can get boring, its like once you can do it theres not much more to it unless you want to do tricks and stuff. but I’m not really into tricks.

Yeah I want to learn to do tricks and everything, I think it would be fun but would take some time.


Theres a game called ‘Skittles’ that came to mind when I saw this topic.

I used to play it every-so-often and it was a lot of fun.

Now that I’m reading the entry on wikipedia, I see that it can be a lot more complex than I’ve ever played it.

I like skittles, my dad bought it. It is all luck but tons of fun!
O that wikipedia one is different then the one I have.