Street performers hoop trick?

I saw a street performer doing an act with 6 “solid” hoops. He would hook them together to form a chain, take them apart and then join them back together. How did he do it? Can it be done on a unicycle using normal hoops?


you mean, like a magician? well, it was magic…if I’m thinking of what you’re thinking of.

Re: Street performers hoop trick?

mmm, uni-magic
i’ve done some basic thumb-tip type stuff
the problem with doing magic on a uni is that u need to be idling, and idling exceptionally well, so u don’t get suprised at having to move an arm for balance at a most inopportune moment

as for normal rings, no
they’ll have to be Chinese Linking Rings

Essentially, one of the loops is broken and the small gap is kept covered with the performer’s hand. Some of the otheres are pre-made in to sets of two or three, aswell as some single rings. The broken ring is used to join the others together, and deception and sleight-of-hand does the rest.