Strategic Defense Initiative

I was watching “30 Rock” (a comedy show about producing a comedy show) last week and this reference to the Stategic Defense Initiative (An experimental ICBM satellite counter-measure that’s been in military development for 20+ years) came up, I thought it was hilarious:

A man and a woman on a first date.

The guy says that in his free time he blogs about Star Wars.

She replies-- something about a wookie-- etc.

Then he says “Oh, not the fantasy movie with the monsters” but the strategic defense initiative.

Perpetual arms race?

Defense is a capital market like any other commodity and competition spurs growth, innovation, and, as the myth goes, the market serves your interests by serving its own.

Capitalism, the belief that consumption equals rationality.


You missed the whole free market part of capitalism. Forcing consumption does not make a free market.