strange banner add (PG-13)

what do you make of this?


it looks like the old intro page to snafu’s website.

They had the same logo ( I think it was snafu anyway) but it said something along the lines of everytime you visit this site god will kill a kitten.

I even remember thoes guys chasing the kittens.

Of coures I could just be way off and look at way too much porn and am getting things all confused. :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh domokun… How I abhor thee

Versions of that picture have been around. I don’t know where it started. A little Google on the slogan will keep you entertained for maybe 5 minutes.

Here’s the version of the picture I’ve seen before

That slogan even shows up in an online slang dictionary

kill a kitten v 1. to masturbate. Origin: from the saying, “Every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten.” This appears as a caption to a popular picture that has been circulating the Internet. (“He’s in the bathroom killing a kitten.”) Submitted by Anthony, Hazlet, NJ, USA, 06-12-2002 and Maria, NJ, 31-12-2002.


Here’s something to save your pennies for…

(Warning: Site entry is Rated R-18)

oh no i didnt want this thread to go that way :astonished: its all the falt of that Glute…

ive seen those dolls before and they are to “real” and very scary…just look at all the ooptions if your a real doll sicko!

there’s even a “real guy” for all you ladies…

Mea culpa…

… but wait!

So, howcome you never told us about them before?

This thread belongs in Product Reviews.

here’s a responce someone sent me :stuck_out_tongue:
