Nothing new…
if i could vote for colbert i would
I dont see how that is “lame”. Sure he is an actor, but his values would sureley be much more real than oil business tycoons. I would rather see someone like colbert have a shot at running our country than another mindless puppet that calles themself a politician. I dont think there should be such a thing a a full time job for politicians. Its something you should do to help out, not to make money. Colberts joke, at this, is more for the people than crap like the patriat act.
Honestly if colbert had a chance at making it far enough so that I could vote for him, I would. The U.S is so effed up right now we need someone that is not working for the big business. Id rather have a joke for a country than a fascist one, that is set up to screw over the diying bread called the middle class.
Steve Forbes for President
Stephen Colbert for President!
i wish i lived in SC so i could get some campaign stuff
the only problem with him running is its like the Bull Moose party it will take away democratic votes splitting the democrats between Colbert and real canidates
I saw a bumper sticker a few years ago saying Chuck Norris 08.
I think he’s dropped out of the race though.
If Ron Paul weren’t running, Colbert would be the best choice out there. Too bad he chose an early primary state to get on the ballet in, as he is probably the only threat to Ron Paul among GOP candidates for taking away votes.
agentQ, I assume you’re supporting Ron Paul.
I think he’s too busy running for president of the galaxy.
You mean KING of the galaxy.
I wouldnt say that. Thanks for the link tho, I tend to not follow politics.
I like the fact that he is a firm believer that there was a constitution for a reason. Tho there is still much about him I dont like. Its hard to tell if he is acutally for some of the issues he claims or if thats just his tactic for gaining the vote of the bible belt.
I can say that at 22 I havnt seen a whole lot of presidents, but I have noticed than when ever there is a demarcate in power I and the people around me have a much happier satisfied with life feeling instilled.
But for a conservative he seams like a good guy. Showing what being concervitive should really mean.
Its all just a silly Game. I think the only thing about him That I really like is the fact that he left congress on his own… tho isnt that just feeding the beast. If he saw the problems of congress and already hade the “inside advantage” why would he ditch out.
Actually I believe most of what he says he believes in is exactly the opposite of the general beliefs of the Bible Belt population…such as being against the Iraq War and the Patriot Act, for example.
A lot of what he is saying is basically condemning the Bush Administration, and considering that the South has most of the Bush supporters in the first place…
Naw… see you’re confusing bush supporters and the beleifs of those which are called the bible belt. Yes the two are the easlily said one and the same. Tho the war in Iraq was not why they voted for bush in the first place. They are simply are tricked into being for the war, because they are for bush. They dont want to hear some left wingewr talk about what the war is really about. They are still convinced that its a war on terror, and if for some reason they are openminded enough to accept the fact is for oil, they say “good lets get u’some oil from dem terr’st”.
What gets the bible belt is pro life statements. Talk about sealing our borders.
Im not saying Ron Paul is aiming towards those types. He is a very left winged republicain. Tho he has some of those very conservative traits which the bible belt voters eat up.
Just to add… and you cant win the election without that.
Me 2.
I think it would be pretty interesting to see what he would be like as President of the U.S.A.
He is personally pro-life, but his stance on the issue is that it is not a federal issue, it’s a state issue, just like murder and other violent crimes.
His main point about immigration reform is to end the welfare state that encourages the immigration. With free health care requirements (which has bankrupted many hospitals close to the border), free education, social security, etc for the illegals, they have a huge incentive to come here. Further the same welfare encourges many Americans to not work. The immigrants are the scapegoats for our current problems, so under the current welfare state, we’d need a secure border to keep the illegals out.
But those two issues are the issues that differ between Ron Paul and most libertarians. With the past 30 years of consistency in what he says, and being the 1988 Libertarian candidate for President, he is certainly the real deal.
Correction: THREAT DOWN!
That’s one large wag of my finger, Gilby
I heard his next season’s segments include ‘Better know a unicycle forum moderator’
I would vote for him if he was running, if I could vote.
he is so awesome.
think about it, an actor president couldn’t possibly be worse than a retarded one…
Care to explain?
Ronald Reagan was better.