
Anyone have an account on Steam?

For those of you who don’t know, Steam is the creator of incredible titles of Half Life, as well as Team Fortress.

Great stuff…

Anyone have an account?

I was fairly certain that Valve was the developer of those titles, more well-known for their creation of the Source engine…maybe I’m mixing up my names.

You are fairly correct, sir, but you know what I mean.

Then who is Steam? :thinking:

Steam is the program that hosts the games created by valve. Through steam, you can buy modded versions of half life, as well as the regular versions, and all of valves games.

Account is free and you get a game with it. Its only about 20 bucks for half life, and the mods pretty much come with that, such as sourceforts, and capture the flag.

steam is great for expholiation

Yes I have a steam account, it’s great. I actualy buy the majority of my games through steam because of how cheap it is compared to buy it in a store. I recently bought the unreal deal pack (Unreal gold, Unreal 2 the Awakening, UT game of the year, UT 2004 and UT 3) all up costing my like $50 once you convert it from US $ to AU $. In stores UT 3 on its own costs $100 :astonished:

My username is Farmyardcamper if you want to add me to friends or maybe even play a few games. I have 62 games so I’m bound to have something someone else has aswell :stuck_out_tongue:

For the record Steam doesn’t only sell the games created by valve it sells quite alot more and the list seems to be growing everyday.

mine is munirider. but my main computer died and i don’t have steam on any of my other 3 computers.

I made my account recently, and wanted to know…

Once you purchase a game, is it yours? or do you have to pay monthly to keep it up?

I would appreciate a response asap, as a game is downloading right now.

This is correct… Valve uses the steam"engine’ in their developing.

And yes i have a steam account. i play CS:S and am on CAL-O team

Its all yours!…and you can download it on as many computers as you want!

What game did you buy?

Steam has pissed me off 1 to many times. It’s buggy and annoying, now I play COD4 instead of CS:S.

True dat!..(my black tongue) its quite buggy…

my heart is set on cs:s…it sounds lame but watever…I really ahve been reducing my playing time more because i’ve started to unicycle :smiley:

You should give me your name so I can find you and verse you, although I’m not sure what the ping would be like.

Unfortunately Steam has started screwing up on me. Whenever I start it up my computer freezes up and it’s so slow and I can’t actualy run any of the games. Hopefuly the problem will sudenly go away, just like it came.

Thanks… I got the half life two package… I play sourceforts like a madman.

my download god corrupted…

ima find other places to download from…

THe orange box pakage or a different one?

Sourceforts is a great game but unfortunately I can never find any Australian servers, or atleast anyone playing on one. Building your own forts is so fun.

I’ve started playing Call of Duty 4 for PC lately…it’s really fun online.


I clicked on halflife 2 deathmatch, and disovered a message that says something like: “Steam has found a problem in your local games file. Steam will re-aquire the files for these games”.

I get the choice to hit ok, or cancel, and even If I hit ok, nothing happens, and the next time I launch half life, it gives me the same message… I can’t play any of my games!

What should I do?

I really need help

Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling Steam?

I’ve mixed feelings about Steam… I hate how by default they have it load up on boot. My XP box is a gaming machine, I don’t need useless crap running in the background and using my bandwidth when I’m playing a non-steam game. I don’t like how it will start downloading updates to games without asking.

At least it now has an offline mode. When I first installed steam a few years ago (as part of a Half-Life update) it required that I be connected to the net, even to play single-player Half-Life. It pissed me off 'cause the only reason I had installed Half-Life on the laptop was to play HL away from the net! Looks like they fixed that.

They also remembered my original Steam account, and the games I had registered with it, so when I installed steam from Orange Box, it let me install HL 1 and Counter Strike off the web with all the latest patches.