AHAHAHAH!!! I love hte end!!!
Thanks! This video is priceless… wonderful ending indeed!
I wonder how things would work out in a different city. I know this guy wouldn’t get very far in my town… the cops here are praying for someone to arrest.
Just goes to show that in NYC, anything can happen and most of the people walking by won’t even pay much attention.
Especially if the bike thief has an accomplice with a video camera. That kind of makes it look a little bit more legit…
Yes, I think that’s an important factor for bypassers to give themself a good excuse to ignore what they saw.
Yesterday, on the website of a group of journalists, where topics are dumped that wont pass their editorial, I found a link to a video of a real and serious rape of a drunk woman on a platform of Japanese metro station. The situation was way different there. But I can’t believe nobody saw it. And I do believe the camera-work here as well made the few bypassers hesitate to take any action, or just check if everything was all right.
Because the video was only censorded to internationational standards (the victom’s face only) I wont link it.
Leo, I keep staring at your avatar but the 3-d picture never appears… I never was good at viewing autostereograms anyways…
Can’t you see the unicycle?
Wow, I just spent the last hour hurting my eyes on those…
Sure, it’s in your avatar!
And I though James Potter was the one stealing avatars!
No, mine is not 3D. Unless you stare at it too long. It’s QR code. Most Japanese and some American mobile phones can use it to add me in the address book.
Nowedays you see these codes in Japanese magazines, at advertisements, to stimulate you visit (mobile) websites.
The same way like the cue cat should have worked -with regular barcodes- in the US (but then without the privacy violation that blew up their plans).
You can [url=
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14929&item=5210078682&rd=1]find those cheap on eBay. I have one, and it works perfectly on the PS/2 port, without having poblems with the real keyboard on the same port. There’s also a mac version on USB.
So yes, I’m a barcode freak. By “manual reading” postal-code barcodes I found out (myself) there is a way to hack mail sorting-machines in the Netherlands, so that you can send mail without paying postage. Very sure the same method will work elsewhere to.
Now both the main postal-service in The Netherlands AND USPS started to use QR code on stamps you may print yourself…
Also QR code is being used for food safity. While shopping you can lookup articles in databases using your phone. Very usefull if you suffer an allergy on one of the zillion chemicals that should’nt be in food.
This raises a question, what do you do if you see someone trying to steal a bike? Walking up to them and telling them to stop probably wouldn’t do much.
if someone told me to do that when I’m stealing a bike, I’d just say something like I forgot the combination, or I lost the key, or some crazy guy put this lock on my bike as a joke…so I have to cut it. yeah, stealing a bike would be really easy. kinda need to be able to trust people, and in New York, that’s pretty tough…here in Moscow, when I want to go into a building, I often just set my unicycle outside the door, not locked up, in plain view of everyone. and it’s never been stolen…I like small towns (: but then again, one must ask, what kind of a moron would steal a unicycle?
Same here… sometimes it even draws a crowd on it’s own… people have waited for me to ask questions about it!
Slap 'em and run away! Or, wait until they ride off and jam a stick in the spokes… that’s good for a chuckle or two…
Based on my experience:
A car thief
A unicycle thief (?)
A stupid thief
My VW Beetle was stolen out of my driveway in 1983, the day I was going to take an issue of On One Wheel to the printer. I think it was the very first issue of On One Wheel (befor that it was just “Newsletter”). My original 24" Miyata was in the back. Never recovered. That uni had apparently been on display in the Miyata booth at the NY Cycle Show in 1980.
My track unicycle was stolen out of the grandstand at Unicon X in China. I think my other 24" uni was on its way to being stolen when I ran into the woman that was carrying it down from the stands. I just collected it from her and said thank you, assuming she was bringing things down because it was the end of the day.
Two MUnis were stolen out of my car in March 2001. The thief apparently broke in for them, since nothing else was missing or damaged (except the driver’s door lock). He was stupid because he brought both of them into the bike shop nearest my house, for them to remove the splined cranks from the DM. As a service job, the bike shop had to have his name, address and phone #. They called me. This was because I had called all the local bike shops and told them to be on the lookout for expensive/unusual unicycles. That would be harder to do these days, as there are more of them actually on the market…
Reminds me to how Jack Jaxx (Amsterdam/Antwerp) did start:
his bicycle was stolen, and he was looking into a special paper for a used bike. Then his eye catched an add of a unicycle; which made him decide that would be the ideal transport in Amsterdam.
One time I had my coker in a local convenient store called Dari Mart, and this guy came up and is like “How big is that tire?”
And he put his greasy hands all over rolland (my coker). But he took his hands off just before I was about to say, " Hands off buddy." Man, people are so rude. Has anybody else had someone manhandle thier uni before?
Just put a “Protected by Smith and Wesson” sticker on your frame and that’ll be the last time that happens. There are a lot of gun-happy peeps in Springfield; the message will be loud and clear.
Which Dari Mart you talkin’ about? I used to hang out at the one on 69th and Main back in the day (before they put in the traffic signals & there was just a big empty field across the street) eatin’ ice cream and ridin’ my skateboard. Thanks for the memories!
that was amazing!!!
"its just an herb" -every frickin' rasta there ever was
"it just an herb" every frickin' rasta there ever was.
“it just an herb” every frickin’ rasta there every