Static mount trick?

About static mount, I tried it for weeks without success, and suddenly found the right trick (at least the one that works for me):
What’s important is to move your upper body, up and forward at the same time you put your foot on the front pedal.
This upper body movement put your center of gravity forward and makes the difference.

You can exagerate the move by slightly bending your knees, and your body backward, while in position on the unicycle, saddle in crotch, one foot on the back pedal, cranks horizontal; and then move the other foot on the front pedal and the upper body in one single forward jump.

Quite difficult to describe with my bad English.
Hope it helps anyway!

Re: Static mount trick?

On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 11:05:36 -0600, fme
<> wrote:

>About static mount, I tried it for weeks without success, and suddenly
>found the right trick (at least the one that works for me)

>Quite difficult to describe with my bad English.
>Hope it helps anyway!

Your English is fine (says a Dutchman :-p).
I have had a lot of trouble also with learning the static freemount. I
have heard someone describe what you said, as if you have to ‘jump
over’ the unicycle (or at least over the wheel). If you think of it,
it makes sense because if your centre of gravity is not forwards of
the support point, you cannot pedal away successfully.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

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