State of hte union address

Hey all,
On the world news today i saw some snippets of Bush’s state of the union address and found it really quite strange. One of them was his “america is addicted to oil”- he then went on to explain that the reason that he needed to assist in the breaking of this addiction was becasue the oil came from unstable states- not that it is contributing to global warming or the destruction of the environment. Bush really does seem to have it out for all “those them middle eastern nations”, who apparently run by unstable durka durka headscalf men.
I wonder when both he and many in American society see that there are different ways to running a country then American style capitalist democracy- where everything is for sale.
It’s the same mentality as in the cold war- it didn’t matter that some of the communist nations were democratic (as in the majority of the population supported socialist ideals) the fact that they were communist at all meant that it was america’s duty to convert them to “the only proper way of governing a nation” (others call it imperialsim).
The words freedom and democracy were inserted absolutely everywhere and have lost meaning- from current American foerign policy it seems to equate to - open for trade and exploitation.
This post may seem a little anti- american but don’t get me wrong, almost all of the american people i have had the pleasure to meet are fantastic people- but i wonder how a government that goes to war, tortures prisioners etc can ever garner enough support to remain in power. For all those that are sceptical just conjure up a little fantasy…
suppose there was another superpower whose ideals contradicted your own. This superpower was so fundementally opposed to American ideals that they invaded your country (with some ass sniffing clingers on of course) deposed your government and took control of your country. Your rebels would not be “terrorists”, rather freedom fighters etc etc. We always need to keep in the back of our heads the knowledge that WE may be the ones that are wrong- and on that note anyone who wants to debate anything from the State of the union address or what i have said go for it.
i feel a little better now,

it would seem that taking over middle eastern countries and trying to install a stable government doesn’t work very well. the new plan is to drill up alaska because polar bears put up much less resistance.