Starting a uni club

Can anyone tell me how I can start a unicycling club? if you can, Thank you.

make up business cards or flyers and put them in the bike stores (have them include them with any unicycles purchased there, or up on the bullitne board/counter)

ride publically with as many people as you can

make a website for people who have seen you who will google their city name + unicycle

tell people you give free lessons when they ask if it’s hard

don’t think to big at first, just make them meetings of people to get a chnace to ride together

tell the local paper of the club you just started and ask if their local columnist wants to do a story about it (they will)

amen to everything brian said

u may want to look at incorporating the two points i quoted

get a regular meeting place and time
make it as frequent as the group will allow
it’s pointless pitching up on your own every week if the group is only keen on monthly meetings
if u start monthly, it might develop into a weekly thing real quick

tell the cycle shops that your club will give free lessons to their customers
when someone is thinking about buying a uni, being told that there are free lessons available might just swing it
the cycle shop owner will like this
(this does make more sense if they stock unis)
those free lessons will then take place at the clubs regular meeting time and place
u’re not being ‘put out’

in terms of publicity, be creative
a lot of local publications and radio stations will have websites with ‘smalls’ or ‘classified ads’ and u can normally get to post in there if u just register on the site
try n find out if your radio station runs a ‘swop shop’ of some sort
offer people an ice cream for their unwanted unicycles that are just cluttering up the garage
nobody is going to swop u a unicycle for an ice cream
that’s fine, u’re not after the unicycle, u’re after the person who bought it at some stage and learnt how to ride it and that is a cheap way to get your name and phone number out there
since i got all evangelical about UniHoki, the biggest growth hasn’t been in new people learning to ride
it’s been in people who get really exited cause they’ve now got something to do with their ability to ride
(it might be hockey for some, muni for others and trails for the rest, whatever)

how many other riders do u know about in your area?
is there a juggling club?

here’s a couple of threads on the Uni Club idea (and a bunch about juggling clubs, the props, not the organisations - just ignore them for now)
take a read thru there, there’s bound to be a bunch of usefull stuff in there

Do you need any kind of insurance to run a club?


I started a community orchestra successfully.

Something I did that worked well was once I got regular members we got together and decided on a mission statement, officers, and jobs. This helped people feel that they were contributing more than showing up. New members, as they join, are always given opportunities to help and part make the organization “their club.”

You may want to bring this post to the attention os Tommy Thompson. He does some fantastic work with the Memphis Unicycle Club. They also have a very nice website that you can find with a google search. I am sure there are other clubs to model your new club on, too, but that’s the one I know about.

I may be moving and am considering starting a unicycle club where I land if there is not one. I’ll be interested to hear how your efferts work!

Good Luck!