
im reading this book in english now im bout half way through. this is a pretty good book so far, i guess the non-conformity in it sorta has to do with us uni’ers…sometimes critisised sometimes loved, but we still do it no matter what any one says. Another reason why i like it is because i can sorta realate to it, with kids at my school being stupid and not likeing you cuz your different (im not even that different my schools just full of conforming preps, who think your stuid if you arent wearing american eagle or hollister) although im not as radical as stargirl, i have long curly hair,wear plaid stuff quite often, and stuff like that. one thing thatstuck out to me though is that when everyone was “finding themselves” it seemed like they were actually finding stargirl in them selves, and just acting like her calling it “themselves”.

any one else read this book? what did you think of it?