stand-up comediens?

Is there any other stand-up comics about, professional or otherwise?

I am just getting into performing regulary but it is about a three hour drive to the nearest club :frowning:

At the moment i have just been doing open-mic nights and a bit of MCing about but it has been all posative feedback so far and i love it.

To tell you the horrible truth, it is better than unicycling.

Anyone have succes stories or anyone currently climbing up the ladder like myself?

please discuss :slight_smile:

You should audition for “last comic standing.” Great showcase and career starter!

You have betrayed us you have betrayed us you have betrayed ussss
you shall be burned at the stake

I am in the line-up for RAW which i believe may be the Australian Equivilent, nearly everyone who does well in it from Tasmania goes on to something big. a few even made it to the edinborough comedy festival thing.

and i perform localy (in the same state) at a comedy club/pub

bollocks, i was looking forward to a long, prosperous life.

i just had to use this image somewhere

pffff…dont try to pull of a monkeyman, he has the most funny crap like that ive ever seen

he is also a little bit monkey…

You should post a video of one of your performances, in front of an audience of course! As a nightclub performer myself, I would always video or at least audio-tape each and every one of my shows for ater review. l It’s an invaluable tool for honing and improving your act. So if you don’t currently have any live performance to share with us, put together a short video of what you feel is your best material, and let us get a feel for your timing and originality; those two qualities are what can make a great comedian. And it goes without saying (but I will anyway) that your writing skills, I.E., MATERIAL!!! is KING! But that kinda falls in with originality.

ok :smiley:

thanks for the help, i do not have a video camera, or have access to one. Hence why i have no uni vid’s yet :frowning:

But i know exactly what you mean by reviewing. i have seen one recording of myself from a school presentation night and i must admit there where parts there that made me cringe :stuck_out_tongue:

and as for originality, well hopefull it is all original, i have been doing my homework and checking other comics, yet none have really gone close to any of my material. i hope that is not a bad thing…

If i get a video, will be the first to see it!

Until you have the $$ to actually buy a video camera, look into at least renting one; you should be able to rent one for next to nothing, if only for just ONE night so you could record your act. Or maybe check with friends to see if they have one. Sometimes even the clubs you perform in will record your show for you using their equip. and then sell you the tape. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Dig in and go for it, because “tomorrow never comes!”

you speak with the wisdom of a man who has been through all this before, please tell me, is it worth it all? :slight_smile:

yeah i might be able to hire one from somewhere, i used to get them from the school library but school is over now… I am not sure anyone in my little down has a digital camera, let alone a video recorder(ok that was a slight overstatment). but maybe when i go down to Hobart i can hire one there, or even launceston or what not.

dont worry, i realised the ‘tommorow never comes’ last year, nothing happens if i just sit around talking and thinking about it.

Anything in life is “worth it” if you have a burning desire to go for it! You really have to want it and once you realize your calling nothing can stop you! For me one of the best “highs” is killing on stage! But you walk a tightrope of “bombing” sometimes as well, and that is an integral part of the standup world. You WILL bomb, and probably many, MANY times while defining and perfecting your act. The biggest names in comedy have ALL been through this process, and yes, some big names STILL bomb on stage every once in a while. That’s the nature of stand up. The audience can be like rabid dogs; they will turn on you if they sense you are nervous or afraid! You must exude confindence, but never talk “down” to your audience. Be in command of your performance at all times and be ready to ad lib or improvise if the moment calls for it.

Ok gotta go for my Tuesday Muni ride! Good luck!

don’t worry man, the ‘burning desire’ is deffinately there!
as for bombing, that is something i hope happens soon, i do not want to experience it later on once i am comfortable.

lol the audeince are can be like rabid dogs… i guess sepaking down to them would include suggesting that they could be like rabid dogs then?
As for ad lib, well at one point i made it up as i went along, but have realised this is deffinately not the way to go because i then have no control over how long i am taking.

Thanks heaps for the advice. You have been the most helpfull out of everyone i have talked to about performing.

is your carrea still going or have you gone on to other things? i would love to see a video.

Actually being “comfortable” on stage is good, and you won’t be as self- conscience if your are “flowing” along, and confident. This will come in time as you begin to develop your act and get a strong sense that you are GOOD! I haven’t preformed for several years, as I own my own business and that takes priority. But lately I’ve been wanting to get back in front of an audience (just for the fun of it this time) because I miss that special “contact”, and it would just be fun at this stage in my life. And also because I could video tape it and share it here in JC!:smiley:

This is really interesting, cause i’ve recently started writing down funny stuff I think of. I don’t think I would really be cut out for standup, but maybe writing comedy in the future. I’m pumped to see a vid though, so good luck figuring that all out!

yeah i love writing amusing ‘stuff’ i have posted quite alot on (my) myspace, it was mostly things i wrote for school assignments because i couldn’t be bothered to actually o the work.

And Mr Muniaddict, go for it. i would love to see the vid. I know what you mean about wanting to get in back in front of an audeince for that special ‘contact’ it is an amazing feeling being up there. We should do a unicyclist stand-up special!!

and threeinchtire, i would like to read what you have written, i will post some of mine later on when i get home. mmm :slight_smile:

I recently saw Ben Elton perform live and he was brilliant, he talked for well over 3 hours too and it was all good.

I think doing Comedy as a profession would be really interesting in this day and age. What sort of stuff do you talk about? Do you know the aristocrats joke? I’d take my hat off to you if you got up on a stage and pulled that one off (check out the aristocrats movie if you dunno).

I guess watching different comedians and picking out which ones you want to influence your performance could be an idea (as an emerging artist would take in as much art as possible). My all time favourites are Bill Hicks, Mitch Hedberg, Dylan Moran & Bill Bailey.

Try watching this clip with an open mind… shudder

All the best!


burn him! he is possessed by evil we must burn it out of him!