Stack it up normal

Here we go:

It might still be processing

  • 180 unispin to 1 foot wheel walk, it doesn’t matter if it’s rolling or static, i just prefer to do it rolling

Please don’t add any flip tricks, i suck at those :smiley:

i stuck at freestyle tricks :smiley:

I suck at freestyle as well but i might give it a try :smiley:

ok i cant do that. wat happens if you cant do it?

nice line by the way!

Nothing.:slight_smile: That’s the nice thing about Stack it Up. You don’t really have to enter, you just pop in and out of this thread when you see new posts, and if it’s something you can do feel free to stack it up :wink:

It’s pretty easy, just go for it and you will get it

I’ll stack you up later Asger!! (just need to get the vid onto my computer, but there isn’t space enough ;d)

luckyly for you, Asgerg and Christoffer, my added trick is not freestyle or flipping, but I don’t want to tell what trick it is :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome! You got the outsideroll to? It was much easier than i expected

I’m sorry that I didn’t stacked you up yesterday, but there are still no free space :angry:

Yeah Asger, I have trained on the outsideroll for a pretty long while, but never got it. Then yesterday it just felt easy, and I was needed to learn it for this game so I took the time and didn’t trained anything else until I got. So yesterday I learnt it :smiley:

Then it’s ready…

Sorry but it doesn’t count :stuck_out_tongue: you have to do all the tricks in a line without falling or stepping off the unicycle.

Is anybody going to stack this up?

Maybe i can do it tomorrow, but i got a prob. to 180-1footWW i need much higher saddle then the other tricks ):

C’mon it isn’t that hard!

Awesome! I will give it a try tomorrow, i haven’t really tried wrap-backroll before

time to let the game start again :wink:


sorry i can do all of the tricks except for 180-ww
suck at those freestyle things :o

Same here i can do everithing besides the 180 wheelwalk…
I can’t even wheelwalk regually. :smiley: