St. Petersburg, FL

Any unicyclist in Tampa/St. Pete that want to get together and ride?

Unfortunately there pretty much aren’t any unicyclists here in central Florida. I live in Winter Haven about an hour away, and I would love to get together and ride with a fellow unicyclist one of these days. I warn you, I’m not very good.

What do you ride?

I’ve got a 24" Nimbus mUni but I’d like to get on a Coker or Nimbus 36!

I live in St. Pete and am new to the one wheel world. I have a 20" Avenir (cheap I know) and I’d like to learn how to ride it. If there’s a place around here where people can help a new guy learn to ride, let me know!

Look up Keithmj. He is around saint pete area

try Clearwater

I had a class of 3 individuals at rec center in Clearwater.
If interested, contact me :sunglasses:

I sent you a PM. Please contact me. :slight_smile:

I’ve got a 24" Muni and I’m still pretty beginner, in St. Petersburg.

Lets meet up for some practice!

Practicing in Pinellas County

I am interested in practicing with other unicyclists in Pinellas County. I have only been riding since October 2011, but I can consistently pedal for 100 yards and I’ve just mastered making circles. I cannot mount the unicycle without holding onto a stationary object, yet.

I’m in Englewood for Feb. and Mar. Same skill level as Bsteelejr.

Practicing in Pinellas County

I live in St. Pete and am not at your level yet but would like to be, as I’m just learning how to balance. Let me know if you’d be interested in helping a newbie learn the ropes.

Seminole Lake Park


I wouldn’t mind meeting at a park to practice. It would be my first time practicing in public (outside of my neighborhood that is.) Weekends work best for me. Let me know.

Hey Javan I live in Lakeland and would love to get together

Seminole Lake Park

A park sounds like a good idea. While the closest one to me is Crescent Lake Park in northeast St. Pete, maybe we can alternate between yours and mine. Weekends work best for me too. I’ll send you a PM with my email.

i live in plant city:)

Do a forum search

It was about 2ish years ago and there was a muni meet up around Pete. I couldn’t make it, but they posted some picks. I forgot what they called it, sorry, but it looked like they got 10-15 riders.