Spring has officially been postponed

No need to pump up my uni’s tire yet.

This is my wife and son-in-law digging out my van in Vermont Saturday morning. My ribs haven’t fully healed since the injury so I has happy to let them do all the work.

Same here. My little croci and globe flowers have been buried by a foot of snow. It was good packing, yesterday at least, so my son and I started and igloo.

It will warm up soon.

Let’s hope this is the last of the snow. Hope you get over that injury quickly Pat.

We had a foot of snow Friday into Saturday morning. Miraculously, after the driveway was cleared, and the streets plowed, between the cold keeping the snow from melting, and the sun drying off the pavement, it was a good afternoon for riding.

Yeah, I was so excited with the 60 degree weather last week… but at least we got a snowday! Weather report says it is going to be back up near 50 by Thursday, though… weird string of weather!

Spring is pretty much here in Seattle which means muddy and wet muni. It’s not so bad as other places because it’s a dry mud. :smiley:

I’m glad I’m not in Vermont. I get lost when the landscape is all white. :stuck_out_tongue:

The weather is basically perfect here…it’s one of the few times it will be. 50-60 degrees, and sunny.


Even down here in Connecticut we still have a LOT of snow on the ground.

What a strange season. It took half the “winter” before we finally had decent conditions and now we have an overabundance of snow.

The one highlight of my season (obviously before the broken ribs and pneumonia) was a trip to the Swiss Alps inthe beautiful town of Davos. I’ve been experimenting with Windows Movie Maker and put together a few clips in fast motion, slow motion, etc, of me having WAY too much fun…

View My Video

You look like you’re working to me.

Not to rub it in, but Spring has finally come where I am (:
Don’t worry though, by the time your ribs do heal, it will be spring, so you’ll be nice and healthy to get injured all over again (:

Spring has officially been postponed

I’ll be the judge of that. :wink: This is just a cheap ploy on the part of Vermont to try to discredit me. Don’t fall for it.

Props to Podzol for her optimism, as well as for that very nice drawing in the HGHD thread. The spring sun shines on those that shine themselves.

you are lucky : not a single snow flake during this winter!
I hate spring !


We had flowers blooming in the front yard in the middle of January! Now in March we’re finally getting the winter that was conspicuously absent a few months ago.

Oh well, the doctor has cleared me to return to snowboarding in mid April so I’ll probably don my Blues Brothers outfit at Killington in Vermont for one more blast before getting the clubs and uni out of storage

We had some hot days a couple of weeks ago, but the last couple of days it’s been freak hail and snow showers Thankfully I dodged them on the coker yesterday.

Global warming!!! :astonished:

ur a good skier for sixty

79 deg.

Skiing and boarding

Thanks! I prefer snowboarding and have won two national titles in snowboard racing. I’ve finished in the top ten in ski racing in my age group the last three years but have yet to make it to the podium in that event. I’m missing the nationals this year because of a couple of broken ribs.

If anyone missed the video of my fun trip to Switzerland, here it is again.

I just looked outside and it’s snowing again!!!