
im bored so i posted this. what sports do you do besides unicycling. I play paintball, race mx, bmx a little, mtb with friends sometimes, run track, play football, and do a few others. like i said what other sports do you do besides unicycling and what is your favorite. by the way mine is unicycling.

Unicycling, juggling, and buildering. Buildering is my favorite.

i play larcrosse rockclimb tele ski ski hike ice climb and play soccer

ice hockey, not wear shoes, unicycle
this thread is sad, very sad

Um…what is buildering? I’ve not heard of this before :thinking:

#1 thing i do besides uni is dirtbike
#2 shoot’n things with guns (hunting)
#3 Tennis, i just got back from a tennis meet an hour ago actually

what kind of dirtbike u have? My friend just got a YZ 400 and he’s riding it over today…its goin to be a crazy ride!

I run, a lot…and thats basically it. If I were to play another sport, it would be soccer, that is my favoritest sport to watch.
Oh, juggling too, if thats a sport.

qu’est ce que buildering?
I mean,
what’s buildering?

i have a kx 80 but i want sa yz really really really etc bad

juggling competitive archery paintball lazer tag and rugby

Is “juggling competitive archery paintball lazer tag” a new sport?
How do you play?

Soccer & Baseball

I like to play Soccer and Baseball when i’m not unicycling. My baseball team won the champs, and my soccer teams good. I also go running sometimes, but not as much as I play soccer and baseball, and i unicycle more over that. ya (:

i know your’e 12 but COMMAS PLEASE! [old man]damn kids…[/old man]

currectly i juggle, bicycle (both road and mtb), run sometimes, and play frisbee (both golf and ultimate). i used to play baseball, basketball, golf, cros country, and probably a few others.

mtn. bike
(can you tell i love the mountains?)
I played football for 10 years, but last year was my last season.

I am always busy, but thats the way i like it.

thats wat i do just add on softball hockey both kins of skiing and snowbording and track

“softball hockey” sounds like a rather interesting sport.

i swim, play water polo, soccer, ski, i’m good at running, backpack a little.

have u ever tried it its fun
hockey and soft ball

Acrobatics and Cheerleading :stuck_out_tongue:

thats sexy… ggggrrrrr

I… unicycle. A lot.

And I love skiing, downhill-ish. I used to MTbike a lot, but only XC, and I don’t really like XC. I would love to get into freeride mtbiking, but unicycling is first…
I would also like bike trials. If I had a trials bike.