Sport for all + where's the other wheel?

(Well, this IS “articles and tutorials,” right?)
Seriously, no one ever thought about it, right?Unicycling can be as safe or extreme as you want it to.It can be as simple or challenging as you want it to.We’re all unicyclists, so we’re “in on the big secret”.So what IS the big secret?Kinda weird really.Once you get used to it(as soon as you learn then practice a little) it’s easy, and I don’t know about the rest of you but biking becomes a little harder and more confusing.You’re used to…not holding on, rotating the wheel back(not scince I learned the static mount) not using brakes and a more compact and lightweight structure.Face it, unicycles are better.What do you need the other wheel for?Why be normal?There’s no such thing as “normal”.There’s “average american”(or your country) but why do you want to be an “average american” anyways? (my brother told me to type he’s a gamer :smiley: )WHAT FOR!!!

Well, anyways, here’s a cool question which is also very funny and versatile, answer however you want.

Where’s the other wheel?

(for example: behind the fridge, I figured if I only bought half the bike, I’d have to pay only half the price, what wheel?It included a spare pizza, lost in the mail, I thought it was a steering wheel, on TV, really rusty, on a wheelwalking trip, I thought that was a giant cheese cutter, I named it Wheelie and it leftblows noseThey grow up so fast!, my dog ate it it was homework, I left it at school a few years ago, etc. the list is endless!):stuck_out_tongue:

[QUOTE=Andy912912 I figured if I only bought half the bike, I’d have to pay only half the price, [/QUOTE]

The ironic thing is that the exact opposite is true! I went the the races sunday, and brought my uni. when some people asked how much it was, They are amazed that 120$ is cheap for a good uin.
I met two guys who knew how to ride, one had a chep one he bought at a auction, the other had a girrafe. I got one of my freinds addicted, he rode my torker all day up and down the fence. he got about 15 feet before the day was over. I refered him to and this site. a group of kids about my age were amazed that I could hop over a log. everyone kept asking if it was hard to ride, I got so tired of awnswering that question that I should have just said “for me, no. for you, yes.”:smiley:

actually, unicycling has helped my biking and vice versa. with biking you work on muscular stregnth and with unicycling you work on muscular control. so doing biking and unicycling helps both.

It makes my bike feel heavy when I’m riding!I have a Schwin Stingray(REALLY heavy!Or is it just me?) AND I’m unathletic…I’d be unbalanced if it weren’t for my unicycle!Isn’t it a little weird that I just took a 1-week break at camp without the unicycle and I forgot how to free(or static, I never really tried the standard when I got home) mount yet managed to hop 6 times?A little weird really, but then again, I’m just plain crazy…Really…I wonder if I’ll learn to turn tomorrow!I hope I do, 'ause if I do, I’ll hop off a 6 inch curb and be a level 2!Then, I’ll be a level 3 when I make sharper turns and learn 2 more mounts, and so on…I have a checklist!

Mine’s blue.And rusty.