Sponsorship Request to Municycle.com


I want to make Sponsorship Request to Municycle.com for a while but I did not have a good camera and some other problems but now I’ve finished it.
Most of the tricks were pretty hard to land. :roll_eyes:
I hope you enjoy it and please leave a comment.:wink:

The Sponsorship Request

That was sick Casper! 450-270-backroll x2-540 was crazy. :slight_smile: And your side tricks are getting so good.

that was awesome, and you’re only 12! you’re gonna go so big :smiley:

Aaawwwesssoomme, from a younger rider. You’re going to be amazing in a year or two :wink:

great riding for an 12 year old rider!
I hope you get an sponsor!!!

i liked it!

Most flatland videos dont entertain me but this one did, you have a nice style thats pleasant to watch and the edit and the song choice were great.

Hope you get it :slight_smile:

Wow, Thanks guys (and girl).
It means realy much to me to get comments from some great riders like you!

Wow! I’m really impressed. The treysideflip and that last combo were awesome!


sick… again ^^

Wow! I got a lot of inspiration from you!
Really nice riding!


I need to practice some more. :smiley:

Haha, thanks guy’s!