I just saw this on reddit, someone made a spokeless bicycle. I’m sure it’s not the first of it’s kind, but…
So… who is going to make a spokeless unicycle?
I just saw this on reddit, someone made a spokeless bicycle. I’m sure it’s not the first of it’s kind, but…
So… who is going to make a spokeless unicycle?
I can see it now, foot-through-wheel tricks.
I’ve seen it done on motorcycles and concept bike designs using concentric rims, the inner one fixed to the frame and the outer one rotating freely around it. I think that puts less stress on the bearing surfaces and is a better design than only connecting the rim to the frame in one or two places.
With a unicycle one could connect the frame to the inner rim and the cranks to the outer rim.
Hopefully someone actually thinks it is feasible and builds one just for the wow factor. I have a feeling you’d need to have the seat very high above the wheel and have the cranks right on the top of the wheel… like a giraffe but with the cranks an inch above the wheel. I’ve never ridden a giraffe so I don’t know how awkward that sort of thing is to ride at first.
With the seat that high you could probably easily distribute the weight of the seat across several points on the inner frame of the wheel…
Except for the 130 years of bicycle technology that has mostly not used that approach. Before writing off all the designers of the last 130 years, let’s consider what might be the weak points. Probably friction and strength/weight. Added friction in the bearing system for higher rolling resistance. Strength/weight in the wheel. In a traditional bike wheel, the spokes are what give it it’s strength. Without the spokes, the rim would have to be beefier, which probably leads to significant added weight for comparable wheel strength.
None of which is important for novelty cycles of course, and I think it would be fun to play with this concept for unicycles. Especially with bigger wheels, where the weakness of attaching the frame only by the wheel bearings really shows up. But having the pedals where the “hole” would be anyway might kind of defeat the aesthetics of such a design?
I didn’t mean that spokeless was structurally superior to spoked. (That would probably only be the case if the wheel was quite large and exposed to lateral loads in excess of it’s radial ones, which is not a common configuration) What I was comparing were two different methods of building a spokeless wheel, and I what was saying is that I think the design originally posted is not as functional as something like this:
On a unicycle the frame legs could be attached to the red ring, and the cranks could extend inward from the silver rim, leaving a hole in the middle.
Trials riders could then also do rim grabs.
I would have to agree with John. It would be a cool novelty but hard to build into an efficient design. The rim would have to bear so much weight unsupported - might have to make it out of 10" concrete (ok maybe not). I think the technology would best suit a cool James Bond motorcycle.
I only weigh 135lbs so if someone was to make one I think I’m the ideal person to ride it…
Someone should just get that motorcycle and convert it into a uni. It might make it more useful than its current configuration!
No Spokes
Hey are you and Amiantos challenging me?
Well Since you put it that way…I think you are the man for the job!
OK guys…give him the motorcycle.
…if you build it, they will ride…
I’m Back!
Wow, that’s a cool concept! How would a spokeless uni work?