Looks like a good way to injure yourself if you ask me.
Too many things to break/go wrong. No real advantages over other sports.
Or maybe it’s a breakthrough in the extreme sports as we see them and I’m too stupid to realise.
Looks like a good way to injure yourself if you ask me.
Too many things to break/go wrong. No real advantages over other sports.
Or maybe it’s a breakthrough in the extreme sports as we see them and I’m too stupid to realise.
They look fun.
reminds me of freeline skates except much more likely to end in a face plant. You probably shouldn’t even consider those things unless you can BC. even then a BC is not strapped to your feet.
Somebody’s been reinventing the wheel. There’s a film clip called “cycle skating” showing people doing exactly that in Paris in what looks like Edwardian times. I’ve got it on my pc here (1.5 Mb WMV file) - tried to post it in the gallery but it won’t let me upload it at the moment. If it comes back to life I’ll post a link.
Right, here’s the film
Nice video. It seems like those guys are not only reinventing the wheel, they are complicating it too. All the brakes and other gadgets…
Wow. the Skate Cycling vid is superb. Stuff all the techo wizardry on the prashantchandra piece. A couple of pram wheels and some leather straps is all you need.
I’m not sure when Edwardian times were, but that video has cars in it that seem to indicate roughtly late 20s-early 30s. Al Hemminger (Teresa Abrahams’ dad) has a pair of skates like that, though they aren’t identical, and they look even older. There are illustrations of such things from the turn of the century.
But the fact that they never caught on would seem to imply there are problems. The obvious problem with those older skates is the obvious lack of stopping power. The only way I can imagine to stop is to drag one wheel sideways behind you, which would probably be very bad for those oldschool tires. This newer design, including the “breaks,” may work better.
The purpose of the site is not to promote that invention, but to promote the guy as an industrial designer. To that extent, it’s more about his ability to design and communicate his concepts than the later testing and perfecting of them. I don’t think any of his skates have been built or tested. I think he would want the feet to be closer to the ground.
those look fun
I have one of those there fun
there like those Freeline skates
My dad made a pair of skates like that more than ten years ago. They were freewheeling and you could easily ride them if you put the wheels inline (i.e. one foot in front of the other). Riding segway style was really hard though.
I think that design is stupid/dangerous because it offers insufficient ankle support (in terms of rotational movement around the lower leg). I had to wear ski boots for my dads design and they were still too wobbly. It places the riders leg even farther away from the plane of the wheel than my dad’s design did.
not in the least. if youve acutally tried both they are way different.
Huh. I guess those never took off.