spinning things....

I remember a thread from quite a while ago about spinning objects like books, lunch trays, etc. on one finger, but searching I couldn’t find it.
anyway, I saw someone at my school who could do it real good, so i decided to learn.
I can keep it going for like ten seconds, but then my finger goes off center and it starts wobbling, and falls off…so to some good jugglers out there who know how to do this…how do you do this?


By the way, I always got a laugh spinning a wash cloth (damp, wrung out) on a stick. It’s easy, and the centrifugal force flattens it right out. Try it!

He’s right. Practice.

Learn to spin a frisbie. once you can spin it right side up, it’s pretty easy to go from there. then learn to spin it up side down, then try books, and heavier things.

I think the easiest things to spin (that I’ve found) are caffeterio trays. generally if you go bigger and heavier, or smaller and lighter, it gets harder.

The best thing to spin is a really big stop sign. I’m pretty sure you could kill yourself if you messed this one up bad enough. I can get one spinning really fast, and a few times it’s spun off and into a wall, gone through one sheet of sheetrock, then stuck into two two by fours.

The hadest things (for me) to spin are CD cases (I really can’t do this well at all), big frying pans, and really big sheets of plywood (my friend jay ended up in the hospital when he hit himself in the face doing this, he needed a few stiches).