Spider bites

So I woke up yesterday with a whole bunch of bites on my neck in a cluster. Also on my neck, under my jaw hinge, is a lump that is very sore to touch and inhibits turning of the neck. And I think my thyroid is swelling a bit.

Am I going to die? Will this all clear up in a week?

Re: Spider bites

Start tipping waiters and waitresses and you’ll be fine. :wink:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

bwahahahaha :smiley:

I got one word for you Doctor. Or you can be cheap and see if you make it. Spider Bites

I’m not so cheap I won’t go see a doctor, I see a doctor practically twice a month, just because something is always wrong with me (or so I think).

And it doesn’t appear to be anything that will make my neck fall off, but it still hurts. I made an appointment today.

EDIT: My friend was also bitten on the thumb by a brown recluse.

See what snopes.com has to say about this case.

Klaas Bil

If your hand starts to look like some of those pictures, then I think you’re in trouble.
…that’s sick…

Apparently snopes isn’t always right. They never checked with me. The pictures are of one of my customers.

For more brown-recluse bites check out this site.

Here and here. If your still skeptical, I can get more.

Well, they do list this case as “undetermined”. You’d be doing a mitzvah (Hebrew: good deed) by contacting them with your information. That would make you a mensch. (Yiddish: literally, man, figuratively, a good person). And thereby give your fellow unicyclists nachas (Yiddish: a warm felling of pride in a child or member of your community). :slight_smile:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

The pink bite marks (all 14) seem to be getting smaller. The lump on the side of my neck is the same size but the pain has spread and there is another lump behind my ear. This one I just discovered today and thought the pain was due to too much head phone wearing. The area where my chin meets my neck also has a few small painful lumps, similar to the other two.

Now I’m really worried.

it’s karma in action. tip your waiters.

it’s karma in action. tip your waiters.

Like JJuggle said, snopes states it is “undetermined”. It wasn’t my intention to be sceptical about your post (neither the opposite), just adding some info since I remembered having seen those pics before on snopes. I just checked the brownrecluses.com site, aaargh… utterly terrible!

Just curious, were you professionally involved in your customer’s case? If so, I’d agree (even more) with JJuggle’s suggestion that you contact snopes. But not that it would make you a mensch, as I have no reason to believe you aren’t already.

Klaas Bil

I did send them an e-mail. I did make it clear, that I was not the Doctor, nor the patient. I was involved with the process of contolling the population of BR’s in the persons home after the bite, in that I supplied the product and taught the customer how to control the problem. The last time I spoke with them, over a year ago they no longer have the problem. Unfortunately I don’t recall the customers name anymore, and can’t get in touch with them directly. I have the word out to all of my employees to let me know if they call again, so I can have them contact snopes directly.