sparking pedals...

this is one of "Total Uni"s stupid ideas…

i had the idea for a new uni product…

ethier flint diped/coated pedals, so when you grind your pedals would spark like mad (vary cool at night).

i am also fixing up my friends skate board trucks with flint

rate this idea 1-10"

Re: sparking pedals…

Rate it from one to ten inches???

That sounds like a great idea. If you do it, besure to take some vids.

That would be really cool. I wonder how well it would slide.

you never know, it might be like graphite and slide really smooth.

it sparks really cold so you wont have people starting fires with them

Yeah, I guess it would be pretty cool. I’ll give it a…7 and 13/16ths heavy. Yeah.

I rate that idea at a 7 out of ten with eight being the highest. Oh, wait, inside joke from CMW 03, noone’s gonna remember…

Seriously, it’d be cool if it worked, but one problem is that a lot of grinds are on polished metal which won’t spark very much.

On the other end of the safety spectrum, you could have a 3 part grind plate. The front of the plate is magnesium with a rough surface, the middle is flint, and the back is more magnesium. THe front would scapre powder off on the obstacle, whihc the flint would then ignite, which would further ignite the back magnesium. Flaming pedals :sunglasses: .

i though of that, but i think the flint is going to give tou more sparking plus i think the mag. is going to need to heat up more before you starting having flames

Re: sparking pedals…

Does your brain EVER rest?? :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

no not really

make sure not to wear baggy pants!:smiley:

Just use sparklers, or gasoline, either way it is still the same cool factor…

just pull the pins out of your pedals and replace them with zippo flints.

#1 they would need to screw in
#2 they would grind down really fast
#3 you wouldnt get vary much spark

i buying a flint bar from a near by hardware store and makeind a holder for it on my pedals

results soon…

heres the prototype…

the red lines will be clips to hold the flint in place…


but if it works, and you put up an awesome picture/video, ill change my vote to 10/10

im excited to see how it turns out


why looky here…

its the best thing since sliced bread!!!

In the CCS catalog they have plates with flint on them that you attach to your skateboard and when you hit the tail down it makes sparks.