Just out of curiosity, someone help me out on what is happening here. I get a spam email selling Viagra, Cialias and other drugs but their subject line is something like, “Re: He shut do loyalty”.
Then they have their little ad.
But then at the bottom in much smaller font, they include a little bit of meaningless storyline. Below is the latest one. What does the unintelligible subject line do for them? What does the storyline at the bottom of the email do for them?
come. Miss Dartle and I regarded each other for a little while in was forced to make signs. So she went on, getting better from day. Bark if he may be allowed to assume so maritime a denomination, Ham yielded to this persuasion, and took his hat to go. Even when balustrades of bridge. Search made in every direction. No J. D. familiar, always called her Little Blossom; and the pleasure of of the confines of civilization, and about to return to his native umble, Im useful to him, you know; and he understands his interest knew how trial and emotion would exalt and strengthen it. She was these accusations; and then, with my ill-starred family, to merely crossing. The distance is quite imaginary. Dearest Agnes. Whom I so respect and honour - whom I so devotedly thats lived along with her and had her for their all in all, these his mother. I shall tell her, in no more wureds than I speak to her birthday, when she came to sit in the window while we were at the full extent of her generous feeling towards my dear wife. even observe her voice to falter, or a tear to escape from her whom I am sorry - I can say no more, my son may be saved from scared and anxious, then began to cry. That was dreadful. I fell
It intends to mislead the spam filters. So much text that doesn’t contain the usual spam characteristics leads the filter to ‘approve’ this message as non-spam, and let it through.