'Spaced Out' almost done

Hey Everyone

I just dropped my new extreme unicycle DVD, ‘Spaced Out’, off to be duplicated. If all goes well it should be ready to purchase by September the 15th. It will be available from Bedford Unicycles in Canada (www.bedfordunicycles.ca) and from Syko productions in the US (www.sykoproductions.com). If you want to order a copy from me, email me at puffity @ gmail.com or groves @ pobox .com

If you want to check out the new trailer go to http://gallery.unicyclist.com/album149


Link doesn’t work :frowning:

The link worked for me, looks pretty cool:D

cant wait

can’t wait to see the full thing


What’s burning?

Looks like it’ll be really cool. How much for a copy???

Looks like another winner. What’s the final cost going to be?

This movie is gonna be sweet:)

I wait with much antisipation.


wicked trailer! i for one am Very Exited!

Tonight i had a chance to preview the Slick looking cover art, what a nice package! Really looking forward to the Gala preview, and the official realease in september! put me down for two!


Did you say it was going to be available at Bedford unicycles?



Re: f

FD??? Fun… Donkey? Farking Dream? Fluffy Delaware? WHAT DOES IT MEAN???

Hey, that looks sweet! Will you or Ryan have any for sale at cal muni weekend?

I hope there’s a sequel…


P.S. Jeff, check your PM’s.

Looks brilliant…I like the choice of music for the trailer.

Cool trailer, really nice riding. That skinny that someone’s riding on about the 30 second mark looks to be particuarly impressive.

The “spaced out” title and the theme of drifting smoke in the background is interesting. Should we expect to hear fits of coughing and laughing in the feature?

To answer a couple of questions:

About the price - I’m not totally sure of my production costs yet, but I’m hoping to have the DVD retail for no more than $20 Canadian.

Hopefully there will be copies available at the California MUni weekend. Assuming all goes well the finished DVD’s should be available for pick up September 14th. Ryan and Carl both leave for California the following day so hopefully they will be taking some with them. (I’ll be starting university in Victoria, BC, and although I really want to be at the MUni weekend don’t know if it’ll work out). At a minimum I’ll get Ryan or Carl a DVD so it can be played at Tahoe if anyone is interested.

Thanks for the positive comments on the trailer.


Yo Jeff, Ryan is staying with me for muni weekend, so I’ll give him the money for the movie.

thanks, Zack

Jeff did you get my email?

The DVD is fantastic and uses an entirely different musical genre than I have heard on previous unicycling video work. The choice of the VLA in Socorro, NM is very appropriate for the cover and and connects well with the title. Nice touch. Thanks, Jeff. All three of the ones I bought are the same, though. Can I get a refund on two of them? I remember paying you $75 US each for them.