sowwie :(

jus wanted to say sorry to every one at the club for not being there for a while , ive had loads of college work to do and my birthday and ive been on holliday. i have to work next thursday but promise ill be there the week after. look forward to seeing you all
*love and hugs *
laura x

happy recent birthday!


I forgive you.

You kinda look liked Lindsay Lohan before she got ugly.

Interesting compliment…

I don’t remember what Lindsy Lohan looked years ago, but I agree that you’re pretty, if that’s any consolation :sunglasses:

this isn’t going to turn into another Veronica Farren let’s see thread is it?

It may.

Either way, she knows she’s been forgiven by the unicyclist community for not being able to attend recent club meetings.

Everyone has to work/become a year older once in a while. I just had my birthday earlier in July, too - actually, I still had to go to work on that date, so perhaps that isn’t the best example.

I am not going to be involved in this one if it does

Ohh, I better get involved with this one, because I completly skipped that thread…

Me Too!

preach it brotha.

and thats all i’ve got to say in this thread.

Wait! STOP! …Don’t leave!:frowning: BooHOo, all my freinds went HOME and noone cares! Now I’m going to cry all over the thread. BoOHOOBOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOO SOB POUT OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHBOOHOO:( :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I must admit, though, I spent a bit of time trying to figure out what “sowwie” meant before I clicked it. I had just about given up when I clicked it, but now it makes perfect sense.

I used to have a pretty good lisp myself, but years of (at the time) unwanted counseling has proved itself successful. Sometimes, though, I still feel funny when saying anything with “s” in it in front of people. People tell me that I no longer have a lisp, but I still find it hard to believe.

You don’t type with one

thanks Brian :roll_eyes:

Nobody notices it anymore. I used to hate going to those speech classes, but now I’m glad I went.

I used to be pretty good with a Mock Lisp - car, cddddadr, you name it. :stuck_out_tongue:

whats a Veronica Farren let’s see thread? :S

ive been told befor i look like L.L but i dont see how :S

anyway thanks for the forgiveness! :smiley:

laura xxxx

you’ll find out if you read the first few pages of this thread

it really got out of hand quite fast

ahh ok i get it, no please dont turn it into one of those:( lol