South Park avatars

Make your own South Park style avatars. :slight_smile:
South Park Studio


I can’t figure out how to save it…:frowning:

Me neither.It tells you how in the “faq”,but i cant do a screenshot.I press print and i cant copie it to paste.

Forrest,computer impaired

hey- its dk


:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Here’s me. One of my roommates did this.

i cant make it work… damn

Me! I know, I have my sweatshirt on backwards.




south park1.jpg

Hey weeble, your current avatar beats any of the South Park ones. It reminds me of something out of those Heavy Metal comics.

its me


My avatar is of hte orig. pic. I used paint to remove hte gun and make hte background. I didnt exactly figure out how to save it (i got lucky first time) so i redid his shirt on the right side

south park2.jpg

My avatar is of hte orig. pic. I used paint to remove hte gun and make hte background. I didnt exactly figure out how to save it (i got lucky first time) so i redid his shirt on the right side

south park2.jpg

Hold down the Alt key and hit the PrtScn key
Alt + PrtScn
That will take a screenshot of the currently active window.
If you just hit PrtScn you’ll get a screenshot of the entire desktop rather than just the active window.

Now open Paint
Edit >> Paste

Click on the rectagular select button
Select just the character
Edit >> Copy
File >> New
Edit >> Paste

Now save the picture as a JPG (not a BMP)
File >> Save As
Change the Save as type to JPEG

followed all of the directions, attached it, as a jpeg, doesnt show up on the post preview… WHY???

Attached files do not show up when you do a Preview Reply. In fact, doing a Preview Reply will clear the “Attach file” text box and effectively remove the attached file from your post.

If you are attaching a file to a post do NOT use the Preview Reply option cause it will remove the attachment from the post.

tricky! me after my injury, skiing

south park dave.jpg


south p.2.jpg

I’d hit it.