south florida

any body know any unicyclist in south florida, any body from south florida, any clubs in south florida, and body have tips on starting a club in south florida :thinking:

so no body lives in south florida
this sucks

who did ever body here start there unicycle clubs

riding is fun but hrs by ur self is boring and if i keep this up i will lose all friends

I am sure there are unicyclists in South Florida, just have to search them out. Get yourself in a local paper, or parade. Start riding in public places. Put up flyers at local bike shops and Dunkin Donuts(you might find the south florida version of jjuggle.)

Start a website, and make shirts or bumper stickers promoting it. Look at the unicyclists roster. Florida Unicyclists Slowly but surely we are growing a club here in Atlanta. You can also teach some friends.

thank you bugman! i have started planing to make flyers for local bike shops
thanks alot for all the susgestions

im in north florida but have none unicycling friends down in the south. 0 and north florida pwns the south.

hey my bros at fsu

ps i wish i lived up in north fl

I’m in South Florida!

Hi! I’m a new member. Looking around and not seeing many people in the South Florida/Miami areas, either. Would love to get a group together. Anyone interested?

i live in north florida.

if i ever decide to move though, it would only be further south :stuck_out_tongue:

You might consider starting a new thread, some people might leave the thread when they see that the first post is 6 years old.

DSchmitt: You should we need more cyclist here.

Dane M: I believe I will. However, I just hope no one tells me that I should have done a search for other posts. :wink:

If they do, just ignore them. Really, people only bitch about that when it’s a topic that gets discussed constantly. Don’t be afraid to post new threads though, new threads are refreshing and get people to look at something again. Also, some old threads could use better thread titles, and the information may be there, but you can’t find it because they made a stupid title like “Help me!” In that case especially, a new thread is warranted.


I am from South Florida! Anyone near the Treasure coast? I would love to get together with a group

South Florida

I’m in South Florida as well (Plantation Florida ) Markham Park’s pretty close to me.

South Florida - Markham Park

Hey Batou,

I live in North Miami, and do some mountain biking at Markham park sometimes. I also know a couple of guys that unicycle there as well. If you’d like I could set you up with them, too.


I appreciate the thought.
I’ll hold off until I’m no longer riding on the fence (I’m still learning ) :slight_smile:

Thank you again !