Hello! I want to know if there are some south african unicyclists on this forum. I’m searching for zip zap circus students. If somebody can help me… Thanks!
I’m french so I didn’t speak very well english, sorry!!
Bing Bong Would GILD please report to this thread please? GILD to this thread. Thank you Bing Bong.
He’ll be along momentarily
Thanx Loose.
Hi Fasolia, your english is waaaaay better than my french.
I’m in Johannesburg. ZipZap is in Cape Town. I don’t know any of the people there personally. If you do get hold of them, tell them to start playing Unicycle Hockey (or UniHoki as we call it).
Check out their website for contact detail.
Thank you for your answer, Gild. I have other questions:
Are there schools like Zip Zap Circus in Johannesburg or in other towns?
How many unicyclists are you in South Africa??
Thanks for their website. I know it but it’s very slow in France.
I don’t really think there are many other schools as organised as ZipZap. Check out www.juggle.co.za. Mail the webmaster, he might have more info about other similar schools. I know about the African Dream Circus, a Cirque du Monde project in KwaZulu-Natal. You can also join our yahoo-group and ask your questions there, I can’t guarantee that you’re going to get a fabulous response, but there’s bound to be someone there who knows more than me.
I can probably name at least 20 unicyclists that I know in Johannesburg.
We get together and play UniHoki every second week, check out some pics and video here.
If ever you’re in SA, give me a shout.