hey gies me and my friend made up a silly move. Thought u gies would like it ( don’t watch it if u don’t have a sence of hummer ) http://youtube.com/watch?v=QhksaoPH9rY
diden’t find it that funny
I had no idea a sense of humor was so absolute and objective. Thank you for showing me what real humor is, Tim.
Wow. That was simply amazing, Timothy. Truly inspiring.
I’m not even sure what else to say. Your excellent editing, combined with a ruggedly new-age soundtrack and an award-winning script that would make Peter Jackson jealous, has moved me to the core. I was in tears at the end, completely in awe of your film-making skills.
I can’t wait for Soup Farm 2.
whel sarry u gies dident like it …
C’mon guys. Why so negative?? You all hated it when Shaun was like that. Even if you didn’t dig it you don’t have to be mean.
I’m loading it right now…
I never said that. I was just commenting on you acting like humor was objective.
I thought the video was alright…it dragged on in a few places though. It was still a funny concept, I just think the video could have been made better.
What’s a “sence of hummer”?
There wasn’t even a trace of negativity in my post. I’m not sure what you’re referring to.
Tim, I am having a lot of trouble understanding this thread… I don’t really know half of the words you are using, but great job on the video!
I still don’t get what a sence of hummer is… does it have something to do with the car?
Well “Hummer” in German means “Lobster” so he must be referring to some kind of cretaceous being. Possibly other types of water-dwelling creatures will appreciate the film as well.
I only watched about 30 seconds of it, but what I saw was fairly funny. Definitely a good idea.
dont take it the wrong way ,i didnt find it funny,i loved the idea ,apeals to me brain
That was pretty good, I liked the shot of the cans on the ground and the lawn mower riding past it.
ya that was prtty kool thx alout